dbMail parsing url ampersand to word "and"

  • I'm using dbmail to gather data and send an email.  As a part of that email, I have a url surrounding text for a clickable link to an SSRS report with parameters.  If I only have one parameter, I'm fine.  But, if I add parameters, the url is passed with the ampersand being replaced by "and".  I've tried the text &, char(38), and text %26  and it parses it the same by converting it to the word "and".

    For example, if the url is collated using

    declare @MySQL as varchar(max)='<table><tr><td>
    <a href=' + char(39) + 'https://blah/Reports_SSRS/report/subfolder1/Subfolder%20Stuff/report%20Name?svcMeasure=' + cast(met.measureID as varchar(2)) + '&svcProv=' + z.abbrv + char(39) +'>' + measureTitle + '</a></td></tr></table>'

    What's rendered is <a href='https://blah/reports_ssrs/report/subfolder1/subfolder stuff/report name?svcMeasure=8andsvcProv=brown'>my measure</a>

  • When sending HTML tables via DBMail I used the following:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
        @profile_name = XYZProfileName',
        @recipients = 'Test@test.com',
        @subject = 'Your Subject Here',
        @body = @html,
        @body_format = 'HTML',

        @query_no_truncate = 1,
        @attach_query_result_as_file = 0;


  • Janet,  I was able to test the following

    declare @MySQL as varchar(max)='<table><tr><td>
    <a href=' + char(39) + 'https://blah/Reports_SSRS/report/subfolder1/Subfolder%20Stuff/report%20Name?svcMeasure=' + cast(1 as varchar(2)) + '&svcProv=' + 'MATT' + char(39) +'>' + 'SIMMONS' + '</a></td></tr></table>'

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
        @profile_name = 'DBMail_DHSSTSELIGDB01\TS2012_1',
        @recipients = 'matsimmons@deloitte.com',
        @subject = 'UATCR Assist WorkerWeb Exception Report',
        @body = @MySQL,
        @body_format = 'HTML',
        @query_no_truncate = 1,
        @attach_query_result_as_file = 0;

    The email I received had a hyperlink for SIMMONS and the hperlink was for "https://blah/Reports_SSRS/report/subfolder1/Subfolder%20Stuff/report%20Name?svcMeasure=1&svcProv=MATT"
    I believe the @body_format will fix your issue.


  • I got the following to work, probably not kosher, but hey.
    I created the url to put in the temp table like this:  http://tada/folder/reportName?param1=blahparam2=blah
    I then parse it for the html like this:  td=cast(replace(rs2.measureURL,'&','and') as xml), '',
    Then, just before I send the dbMail, I do this:  set @tableHTML=replace(@tableHTML,'aram2','&amp;param2=')

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