DBCC Showcontig gives me indexID 255

  • I run a showcontig on a table, and get the following results

    ObjectName ObjectId IndexName IndexId Level Pages Rows MinimumRecordSize MaximumRecordSize

    T_TASCC_RESPONSE_TRACKING 581577110  0 0 70 7826 48 75


    T_TASCC_RESPONSE_TRACKING 581577110 tT_TASCC_RESPONSE_TRACKING 255 0 187 11007 79 4014

    The table has one index, but shows 3 items as results in the showcontig.  the indexID 255 has me puzzled.  It has a name listed, like the other indexes do.  but there is no corresponding index. 

    And since i was blindly grabbing items that needed to be reindexed, and stuffing them into a dbcc dbreindex command or dbcc defragindex, i would get errors.  After digging a bit, i realized i didnt know what this was.  So I ask the community to teach me.


    Each table that has at least one text, ntext, or image column also has a row in sysindexes with indid = 255.

    The column FirstIAM points to the chain of IAM pages that manage the text, ntext, and image pages.

  • perfect.  thanks for the quick response.  i learned something today.

  • indeed:

    Index Id 0 = a heap table (table with no clustering index)

    Index Id 1 = a clustering index (on index 0 possible )

    Index Id 255 = lob container


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  • You may find this query useful for looking at index information:


    use Northwind



          [Table_Index]     = left(rtrim(object_name(a.ID))+'.'+a.name,50),



          Value       = isnull(indexproperty(a.id,a.name,b.index_property),-999),

          [Heap]            = convert(bit,case when a.indid = 0 then 1 else 0 end),

          [Text_Image_Idx]  = convert(bit,case when a.indid = 255 then 1 else 0 end)



          sysindexes a

          cross join


          select index_property = 'IsFulltextKey',        Seq = 6           union all

          select index_property = 'IsAutoStatistics',     Seq = 5           union all

          select index_property = 'IsClustered'     ,     Seq = 2           union all

          select index_property = 'IsHypothetical', Seq = 7           union all

          select index_property = 'IsStatistics',         Seq = 4           union all

          select index_property = 'IsUnique',       Seq = 3           union all

          select index_property = 'IndexDepth',           Seq = 9           union all

          select index_property = 'IndexFillFactor',      Seq = 10    union all

          select index_property = 'IndexID',              Seq = 1    

          ) b


          object_name(a.ID) in ('Categories') and

          objectproperty(a.ID,'IsUserTable') = 1

    order by









    Table_Index                                        indid  index_property   Value       Heap Text_Image_Idx

    -------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------- ----------- ---- --------------

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IndexID          1           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsClustered      1           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsUnique         1           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsStatistics     0           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsAutoStatistics 0           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsFulltextKey    0           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IsHypothetical   0           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IndexDepth       1           0    0

    Categories.PK_Categories                           1      IndexFillFactor  0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IndexID          2           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsClustered      0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsUnique         0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsStatistics     0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsAutoStatistics 0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsFulltextKey    0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IsHypothetical   0           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IndexDepth       1           0    0

    Categories.CategoryName                            2      IndexFillFactor  0           0    0

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IndexID          255         0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsClustered      0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsUnique         1           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsStatistics     0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsAutoStatistics 0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsFulltextKey    0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IsHypothetical   0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IndexDepth       0           0    1

    Categories.tCategories                             255    IndexFillFactor  0           0    1


    (27 row(s) affected)


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