• If you run DBCC CHECKDB and it finds corruption in the database the last line of output will state something like "CHECKDB found x allocation errors and x consistency errors in database."

    My question is, when this happens in a SQL maintenance plan or SQL Agent job will it be handled as a failure similar to if the DBCC actually fails (ex. lost connectivity)?

    I'm presumming it wouldn't since the DBCC is just returning information...it doesn't care if the information is good or bad news right? If my presumption is correct then that really bites since the operator still has to scan the entire result message proactively to confirm whther or not the db has any corruption problems.

  • Id DBCC CHECKDB reports an error the maintenance plan job will show a status failed. The detailed erro message is written to the maintenance plan logfile, at least if you have selected this option in the Logging configuration.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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