db_date type casting of a substring issue in derived column...

  • I am grabbing a substring and am trying to do a type cast to a date as follows...

    (DT_DATE)SUBSTRING([Column 0],247,8)

    The strings I am isolating in my substring look like this... 07312007 with some nulls as well

    It keeps kicking it out every row to my redirect trash destination. Is there a setting I am missing on this? It says in the MSDN documentation that this type conversion should be allowed but do I need to massage the string some more before it can do some sort of implicit conversion to a date (i.e. from ddmmyyyy to yyyymmdd)?

  • The following seemed to have worked...

    (LEN(TRIM((SUBSTRING([Column 0],247,8)))) < 1 ? "" : (SUBSTRING([Column 0],247,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([Column 0],249,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([Column 0],251,4)))

    by reformatting the string to the dd/mm/yyyy format and substituting in an empty string where there is no date to be found. I type cast the subsequent string in a data conversion object after using a conditional split to filter out the empty strings. The converted data types were then joined in a union all with the empty string records. now I need to write to the database table instead of and trash destination and will write a follow on post on how that went tomorrow. 😉

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