DB2 A Worthy Competitor?

  • As a SQL admin/developer for over 8 years, I fully understand the frustration expressed here in the article. Its not about being an expert on DB2, or what the technical specs are. Its about why leave a product you know so well that keeps providing value and is Intuitive in structure.

    SQL Server is a great product period and more than performs the functions needed by DBAs and develpers.

  • Having worked with SQL Server for almost ten Years now (6.0 - 2000, (chomping at the bit for 2005), 18 Months ago was also thrust into the "We are moving to DB2 on IBM AIX running on IBM p670's". We have a permanent DB2 DBA, and have had expert after expert come in to help with performance issues, "IN OUR ENVIRONMENT", the care and feeding that DB2 requires (DB2 DBA job protection) in my eyes is almost not affordable in our production environment. It has taken some getting use to, but it is a dbms and it seems to have its place in the IT World, and it looks good on a resume to have multiple dbms experience. Major Differences that have affected us are SQL, data types, dbms Add-on costs to allow for built-in functionality to MSSQL and hardware upgrade costs.

    Db2 seems to have some good self tuning features; however it seems that only the "DB2 Newbies" are willing to learn and use them. Ooh yea, the IBM tools do have problems, QuestCentral for Databases or DBArtisan, thumbs up!

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