Db Snapshots question

  • Hi,

    I have a question on database snapshots.

    I have created a table and inserted 2 rows.

    create table tab7

    (c1 int primary key clustered,

    c2 int,

    c3 char(2000)


    insert into tab7

    select 1,1,'aa'

    union all

    select 2,2,'bb'

    Then i have created a snapshot. it created in 2 secs.

    Then i am inserting 50000 rows into the table in a transaction. Parallely,

    begin tran

    declare @i int

    set @i = 3

    while @i <= 50000


    insert into tab7 values (@i, @i, 'a')

    set @i = @i + 1


    commit tran


    I opened a new session, i have initiated the create database snapshot. My observation, i see

    CREATE DATABASE testdb_snap2


    (NAME = testdb,

    FILENAME = 'C:\Snaps\snap2.ssf')

    AS SNAPSHOT OF testdb

    IO_completion waittype and snapshot creation is taking a long time, alomost my transaction( INSERT ) is finished, the snapshot is created. To be realistic a little bit before it is getting created.

    Why it is waiting for so long time. cant the snapshot create at that timeframe or point in time snapshot.

    Want to understand why it is taking such a long time?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • A database snapshot will always be transactionally consistent with its source database at the time of creation. Therefore the incomplete transaction will have to be rolled back in the database snapshot and I suspect this is why it is not immediately available.

  • Thank you.

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