January 5, 2011 at 2:49 pm
Ninja's_RGR'us (1/5/2011)
Thanx. But what I need is to be able to control how much data I keep in the trace (above and beyond 5 files @ 20 mb).
What I did to manage this is create a SQL job that runs on startup and regularly throughout the day. It checks if a new tracefile has been created and if so copies the previous file to an alternate location. It's part of a server management system, so uses a small table to control things like: last file copied, default trace location and destination folder. The start value for the last file copied is 0 so the first time it runs it copies all existing files.
I haven't found a way to change the 5/20 predefined values.
Here is the basic code:
set nocount on
declare @Cmd nvarchar(500)
declare @FileName sysname
declare @ServerName varchar(125)
declare @SourceFolder varchar(255)
declare @DestinationFolder varchar(255)
declare @max-2 int
declare @crnt int
set @max-2 = 0
set @crnt = 1
select @SourceFolder = ControlValue from ManagmentDB..TblControl where ControlID = 'TraceSource'
select @DestinationFolder = ControlValue from ManagmentDB..TblControl where ControlID = 'TraceDestination'
select @Cmd = 'dir /B "' + @SourceFolder + '\Log_*.trc"'
create table #Dir (
SFilename Sysname null)
create table #ToMove (
Cntrl int identity (1,1),
SFilename Sysname null)
insert into #Dir exec
master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
insert into #ToMove
select * from #Dir where SFilename is not NULL
and SFilename not in (select max(SFilename) from #Dir)
and SFilename > (select rtrim(ControlValue) from ManagmentDB..TblControl where ControlID = 'TraceCopy')
order by SFilename asc
select @max-2 = (select max(Cntrl) from #ToMove)
while @crnt <= @max-2
select @cmd = 'copy "' + @SourceFolder + '\'+SFilename+'" ' + @DestinationFolder + '\'+SFilename
from #ToMove where Cntrl = @crnt
--select @Cmd
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
set @crnt = @crnt + 1
--select * from #ToMove
if @max-2 > 0
select @Filename = max(SFilename) from #Dir
update ManagmentDB..TblControl set ControlValue = @Filename where ControlID = 'DefaultTraceCopy'
drop table #Dir
drop table #ToMove
Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.
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