DB Reindex script needed

  • Hi all,

    Does anyone have a good DB Reindex script I can use? Here's the one I've got from another website, but it keeps falling over, looking for tables that aren't there and then (presumably) the whole job gets rolled back:

    CREATE PROC ind_rebuild


    DECLARE @TableName sysname

    DECLARE cur_reindex CURSOR FOR

    SELECT table_name

    FROM information_schema.tables

    WHERE table_type = 'base table'

    OPEN cur_reindex

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_reindex INTO @TableName



    PRINT 'Reindexing ' + @TableName + ' table'

    DBCC DBREINDEX (@TableName, ' ', 80)

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_reindex INTO @TableName


    CLOSE cur_reindex

    DEALLOCATE cur_reindex


    On a sidenote, doesn't CREATE PROC create another instance of 'Ind_rebuild' every time it's run??



  • This should do it


    @command1="print '?' dbcc DBREINDEX ('?')"

    so_MSForEachTable is undocumnented stored procedure





  • I don't understand the syntax too well, where do I change the database name or how do I pass the name into the Exec statement? And can I change the fill-factors, or are they just rebuilt as they originally were?



  • It just enumrates each table in the database so to use it in a particular database you would just do this


    USE Database


    sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = "print '?' dbcc DBREINDEX ('?')"


    This will only rebuild it with the original fill factors.

  • USE Northwind (for example)


    sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = "print '?' dbcc DBREINDEX ('?')"


    That's it?!?!???  I can put that in a scheduled job and have it reindex my db???



  • Yeh thats it.


  • If you're doing all the tables in the database, your can use a maintenance plan to perform it as well. Create the plan with the wizard, schedule it as frquently as you need it done and, voila, it's done!


  • You know, that's just how I ended up doing it...all the other scripts kept falling over due to missing tables, but I didn't even realise the Maint Plan had a defragger...!!!  Just goes to show how rusty I am.

    Thanks all, but special thanks to Mr Crosby!!



  • Any thoughts/ideas as to a good way to defrag/reindex a db that is in 6.5 compatibility and creates TONS of blocking locks?  Using the maintenance wizard kills the db...we're online 365x24x7, so there really isn't a good time to do maintenance. 

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