DB Name Aliasing

  • I need to find a way to set up some form of 'Global' Aliasing such that I can set up "One" Alias that will be set for all other uses in the same script...

    SELECT tAppUser.*

    FROM [Mercury Cvt Temp].dbo.tApplicationUser AS tAppUser

    INSERT INTO tAppUser(x,y,z) VALUES(@X1,@Y2,@Z3)

    INSERT INTO tAppUser(x,y,z) VALUES(@X2,@Y3,@Z1)

  • I might be missing something, but why not do it in a single set based operation?

    INSERT INTO tAppUser(x,y,z)

    SELECT x,y,z

    FROM [Mercury Cvt Temp].dbo.tApplicationUser AS tAppUser

    WHERE ....



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  • Your reply has some help, but the reason I have multiple INSERTs is the script takes 'One' input Table and breaks it out into 4 to 6 other Tables (Depending on a Record type field) and the script also

    may use pre-defined Default data or the data from the input file in the INSERT commands,

    Also I will have different Input Files (all same structure Format) Imported into different SQL DBs (Separate DTS Packages)

    I will have a different script for each Input file, that breaks outs the record types into the other Tables...

    So the different Input files may go as follows;



    And the output may go as follows;

    Y1.dbo.out1, Y1.dbo.out2,etc...

    Y2.dbo.out1, Y2.dbo.out2,etc...

    So I am really trying to write a set of scripts such that I will only need to change one line of code in each script to have the output DB path name set up (Aliased)

    So my multiple INSERTs will be something like this

    INSERT INTO temp.out1() VALUES()

    INSERT INTO temp.out2() VALUES()

    So temp is the Alias for the DB Name "Y1.dbo" or "Y2.dbo"

    Thus I can copy my script for each new Input file, change one line of code (for temp) and all the rest of the code will use that "temp" definition for the proper DB path

  • I would love the ability to have alias names for both servers and databases - it would make setting up test environments so much easier and also make the migration of code from test to live easier.

    For your particular request you might be able to get away with a view though - e.g.

    CREATE VIEW vw_tAppUser AS

    SELECT tAppUser.*

    FROM [Mercury Cvt Temp].dbo.tApplicationUser AS tAppUser

    INSERT INTO vw_tAppUser(x,y,z) VALUES(@X1,@Y2,@Z3)

    INSERT INTO vw_tAppUser(x,y,z) VALUES(@X2,@Y3,@Z1)

    That would be OK on SQL 2000 - can't remember how SQL 7 handled updatable views though if you are still on 7

  • This is available with ORACLE why not microsoft give such an kind of feature to us.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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