DB Maintenance Plan

  • I have created a Maintenance Plan and Scheduled it weekly. Check Database integrity and "Attempt to Repair Minor Problems" has been enabled. But this seems to require database in Single User Mode. Putting in Single User Mode is not an option Since the Database has to be Online 24/7/365.

  • If DBCC CheckDB finds any problem then running DBCC CHECKDB with the REPAIR option will require your db to be in single user mode.

    Run a CHECKDB manually, and if it founds any errors, then consider puting the db in single user mode.

    Also try to find the reason of the damage in the db, and you can restore the damage db in another server, so you can estimate the time to repair the db.

  • Don't check the Attempt to Repair Minor Problems as this is a known issue (well-documented). Most of the time SQL Server won't detect any issues and will go along just fine, so there's no need for this to be toggled. Should SQL Server detect an error needing repair, you should know about it from a maintenance plan and respond accordingly (and manually as racosta has suggested).

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thank you all for your time. Manual Intrevention is required which i was trying to avoid.

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