DB Growth Issue

  • I have done this experiment on one of the database tables. There is table called build havinf nvText Field with large no of records. I want to drop that column and recover space. These are the results I got.


     name         rows       reserved       data            index_size       unused            

    Before Deleting nvText Field

    Build            663211    341440 KB       339464 KB      1944 KB          32 KB

     2 After Deleting nvText Field

    Build            663211    341440 KB       339464 KB      1944 KB            32 KB

    3  After Executing the Shrink Database from Enterprise Manager.

    Build            663211    608280 KB       604744 KB      3456 KB            80 K

     4 After Executing DBCC DBReindex (build,'',70)

    Build            663211    124096 KB       123392 KB      712 KB             -8 KB

    Can anyone please explain me after executing step 3 i.e shrink database, data column as well as index_size shows an increased figure whereas logically it should be a reduced figure.



  • Hi Harcharan,

    DBCC SHRINKDATABASE will shrink the database files, not the tables in the database.  To do that, SQL Server may move your data around.  This is one reason why this option is not used (generally) in production databases - it can *create* fragmentation, for example.  I can't explain what's happened in this case (which is frustrating ... I should "get it," but it's just not clicking for me ... late night maybe?  ) but at best I would say that you should not rely on DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (which shrinks physical files in the OS) to shrink tables (which are logical items inside the database).  It's kind of analogous to the way people used to rely on GROUP BY to produce sorted result sets ... and then along came parallel query processing, and that strategy was trashed.  The moral is the same in each case: don't count on an undocumented result from any command.  DBCC SHRINKDATABASE is not documented to reduce the size of logical objects such as tables.

    Hope this helps.  I also hope that somebody (maybe me) will be able to specifically explain the size increase.

    By the way, I see you rebuilt the indexes with a fillfactor of 70.  What was it at the beginning of the test?



  • Hey Chris !

    Thanks for your reply. The fill factor was 70 at the initial stage itself. what I feel is that(sounding paranoid) ...is it the same way that we delete some files in windows explorere and it goes to Recycle Bin which is an overhead. Anyways ...Let me know exactly why it happened in my experiment which increased the data figure after shrinking the data base.




  • What version of SQL are you running. 

    There is a problem (bug) in 7.0 that would cause this to happen.

    After much effort back and forth with MS, they confirmed it a bug.

    It is fixed in 2K


  • Harcharan,

    I would retract my statement from last night that I should be able to explain what's happening.  I can't.  If I were you, I would follow up on kknudson's idea that this may be a bug.  But I also hope that you will consider my previous statement about not expecting DBCC SHRINKDATABASE to shrink tables for you.

    Good luck - keep us posted.



  • I carried out another round of testing with the same test table at offshore. Here are the steps I performed and results I got. Whereas DBCC CLEANTABLE appears to be giving no space recovery, only the DBCC DBREINDEX clears some space and that too only when indexes are there. If you notice in the second run the %age clearing of space is more as compared to first run. The Difference between the two runs is the variation of steps I performed i.e. I performed DBREINDEX ahead of DBCC Cleantable although understandably DBCC CLEANTABLE is useless.

     These are my observations I wanted to share with you. Let me know your thoughts


     1 sp_spaceused 'build'

     name   rows        reserved           data               index_size         unused

    Build   663000      298536 KB          257208 KB          41248 KB           80 KB

     2 alter table build

    drop column nvTExt

    Build     663000      298536 KB          257208 KB          41248 KB           80 KB

     3 DBCC CLEANTABLE (EnglishTest, Build)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Build     663000      298536 KB          257208 KB          41248 KB           80 KB

     4 DBCC Updateusage ( 'EnglishTest', 'build')

    Build     663000      299344 KB          258016 KB          41256 KB           72 KB

     5 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',70)

    Build     663211      178432 KB          123392 KB          55048 KB           -8 KB

    6 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',0)

    Build     663211      178432 KB          123392 KB          55048 KB           -8 KB


    1 sp_spaceused 'build'

     name   rows        reserved           data               index_size         unused

    Build   663000      297064 KB          255760 KB          41232 KB           72 KB

     2 alter table build

    drop column nvTExt

    Build     663000      297064 KB          255760 KB          41232 KB           72 KB

     3 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',0)

    Build     663211      162432 KB          123392 KB          39024 KB           16 KB

     4 DBCC CLEANTABLE (EnglishTest, Build)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Build     6663211      162432 KB          123392 KB          39024 KB           16 KB

     5 DBCC Updateusage ( 'EnglishTest', 'build')

    Build     663211      162448 KB          123392 KB          39024 KB           32 KB

     6 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',70)

    Build     663211      178432 KB          123392 KB          55048 KB           -8 KB


     1 sp_spaceused 'build'


    name   rows        reserved           data               index_size         unused

    Build   663000      260944 KB          258008 KB          8 KB               2928 KB

    2 alter table build

    drop column nvTExt

    Build     663000      260944 KB          258008 KB          8 KB               2928 KB

     3 DBCC CLEANTABLE (EnglishTest, Build)

    Build     663000      260944 KB          258008 KB          8 KB               2928 KB

     4 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',0)

    Build     663000      260944 KB          258008 KB          8 KB               2928 KB

     5 DBCC Updateusage ( 'EnglishTest', 'build')

    Build     663000      260992 KB          258016 KB          8 KB               2968 KB

     6 DBCC DBREINDEX('Build','',70)

    Build     663000      260992 KB          258016 KB          8 KB               2968 KB


  • What is the datatype of the dropped column (nvText)?  I think that DBCC CLEANTABLE is supposed to only work with VARCHAR, TEXT, and NTEXT.


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