DB GHOST Database Connection Issue

  • Hi


    I deployed DB GHOST here and facing an issue for a particular laptop. One of my developer can’t connect to any database server and DB GHOST throws an error like “Can not create ActiveX Component”. It looks like a typical VB error.

    I tried reinstalling DB GHOST and registry clean up on his laptop but with no luck. The same tool is working for all others also. Could any one please help how to resolve this issue? Or shall I ask him to contact helpdesk to report a application installation issue?

    Thanks in advance.



    Utsab Chattopadhyay

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hi,

    Could any one help plz? Otherwise any pointer where can I go? [Also I escalated to the vendor ]


    Utsab Chattopadhyay

  • Issue resolved. But I am wondering if DBGHOST is so un popular?

    Any idea from veterans what is a better tool for same purpose?


    Utsab Chattopadhyay

  • It depends what your purpose is... You don't say what you are trying to achieve.

    Out of interest, how was your issue resolved?


  • It's resolved after removal and a reinstallation of SQL Server Express Edition from his laptop. The main goal for which we deployed this tool is to version control / change managment the databases who are constantly being chaged by development teams.


    Utsab Chattopadhyay

  • Utsab,

    Have you tried Red Gate SQL Compare? This allows you to merge the schemas of developer databases, and save schema snapshots, which can be saved under source control for versioning. However, this does not integrate tightly with source control, if that's what you need. Instead it allows developers to develop independently on their own instances, and periodically synchronize their changes together. DBGhost stores the most recent schema in source control as creation scripts, which can be checked out, edited, and checked back in as any source controlled files can. These are two slightly different approaches to database development. Let me know if you have any further questions.

    David Atkinson, Red Gate Software

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