DB Backup Maintenance Plan Won't Execute

  • my domain is on the corporate network while the server needed to be installed on a different domain in order to bypass the corporate firewall and have it accessible to users outside of the corporate network. i wasn't involved in setting up this server and SQL server so i can't give an exact reason as to how everything was configured but my "XX/mrtrich99" is not one of the Group or user names in the Properties. I would need to connect with the Windows Server team in order to find out why this is.

    thanks to all for all the help, i was just tossed in to be the DBA for the first time and knowing about AD is definitely something I won't forget.

  • I created backup jobs for 24 Databases.

    I have been able to run them without any problem until today I get the following error when baking up one of the databases:

    Message The job failed. The owner () of jobBackupACTBalancing_Full_Temp_D.Subplan_1 Backup does not have server access.

    Both the Full Backup and Differential fail for this Database BAckup.

    I'm the owner of the Job.

    I'm Admin on that Server and a member of the sysadmin Fixed Server role.

    I can back up all of the other Databases but this error does not make any sense.

    I'm backing up to the same folder as the other Databases.

    Any ideas?

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  • Welsh Corgi (10/25/2012)

    I created backup jobs for 24 Databases.

    I have been able to run them without any problem until today I get the following error when baking up one of the databases:

    Message The job failed. The owner () of jobBackupACTBalancing_Full_Temp_D.Subplan_1 Backup does not have server access.

    Both the Full Backup and Differential fail for this Database BAckup.

    I'm the owner of the Job.

    I'm Admin on that Server and a member of the sysadmin Fixed Server role.

    I can back up all of the other Databases but this error does not make any sense.

    I'm backing up to the same folder as the other Databases.

    Any ideas?

    The way I resolved my issue was to go expand Securities, expand Logins, and see if the domain/userid you used to create the backup is listed. If not add that domain/user id in the Logins. To check the domain/userid Owner of the backup, I went to SQL Server Agent > Jobs, right clicked on the backup name then Properties.

    Haven't had any problems since then.

  • I already did that when I checked the job after it failed.

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  • I had to delete the Maintenance Plan and recreate. It works fine now but it does not make sense.

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  • What rights on the server does the account that is running the agent have? You may have access but does the account that is running the agent

  • jberg-604007 (10/25/2012)

    What rights on the server does the account that is running the agent have? You may have access but does the account that is running the agent

    Yes, this was not a permissions issue.


    This was a fluke.

    Please do not respond to my post.


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  • Simple solution ...

    step1-open your SSMS

    setp2-expand you job activity..

    step3-right click you job activity sub plan------>click on properties

    then the job activity plan window wizard will come in that you can see owner for that job so change your owner

    and lets restart the sql server agent service once and execute your maintenance plan job it will work...

    good bye takecare bye.....


    Surendran G

  • mrtrich99 - Tuesday, July 31, 2012 3:22 PM

    I've created a back up plan on one DB using the Maintenance Plans Wizard and the regular way (New Maintenance Plans). Everything looks to be setup correctly but when I try to execute the plan to see if it'll run properly, the plan fails to execute giving me an "Execution failed" message. Looking at the SQL Server Agent job history it seems like my SQL Server can't determine if my Windows NT group/User ID has the appropriate server access. I'm able to do basically everything I want to inside the server but execute the maintenance plan. Does any body know how to change my server access so I can get my maintenance plans running?

    SQL can backup now: what did i do? The old folder has full permission but could not backup into and after that I tried to backup db manually it shown up the message "backup is failed because u dont have permssion" even had fully permission. Then I created a new folder => everything is ok after that.

    Thank u. Kevin Nguyen

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