DB Autogrowth

  • Hello. I know the subject of autogrowth on a DB has been discussed a lot here, but here's a question. Let's say a DB is using 250G on a 300G drive and you have specified a 75G autogrowth (just an example). Will SQL take the remaining 50G that exists and grow the DB or will it refuse, thereby not allowing whatever insert or update that triggered this growth request to take place?


  • SQL will grow 50GB.

    All transaction will be allowed until the used data hits around the 300GB mark, then SQL will be unable to grow because of the limitations of the drive

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  • Thanks for the speedy response. Good to know. I also agree with the posts that say their DBs are growing by more than they asked for. I've gotten 20%+ growth when I've asked for only 10%. This doesn't seem to be an exact science.

    Just the other day I was migrating a bunch of data into a partitioned structure with 500mb growths and I wound up growing something like 80G in total with 50G unused in the .mdf file. Nearly blew out my hard drive.

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