Day Month Year D.B. fields vs YMD field using date functions

  • Please provide some general guidlines on whether it is better to represent in a D.B. a fields for Year, Month, Day or is it better to have a field YMD and use date functions in your queries to use the particular part of the date necessary for a where clause.


    select someFields

    from someTable

    where Day = 25

    and Month = 12

    and Year = 2000


    select someFields

    from someTable

    where Day(YMD) = 25

    and Month(YMD) = 12

    and Year(YMD) = 2000

    I am looking for the most efficient approach.

  • Personally, store a date as a date (datetime). If you store '8/29/1959' in a datetime field , it looks like 1959-08-29 00:00:00.000, and you can query the date in a where clause as: WHERE MyDate = '1959-08-29'.


  • Hi Lynn,

    Sorry I may not have been very clear I was in a rush when I posted this. I am more concerned with the efficiency of using the data. I just want to know if it is better to store the data in one field as datetime as you suggested and use date functions to work with the necessary parts of the date i.e. day -- month -- year


    is it better to store the data with datetime with the full date and three more fields with each date part day -- month -- year and query them individually.

    keep in mind speed of execution is my goal here.

    I guess all I am saying is it faster to use a function to generate the date part or to read the date part from a table?

  • It's hard to say. The advantage of datetime fields is that they understand calendars. They know months, years, etc. and can move through those structures easily. Addition and subtraction are the really important things here.

    If you're doing straight queries, the tinyint/smallint values will query very quickly. However the datetime is stored internally as an offset, not a character or other structure, so I'm not sure how much faster ints would be.

  • Let's put it this way :

    2007 = smallint (2 bytes)

    12 = tinyint (1 byte)

    31 = tinyint (1 byte)

    So you have to process 4 bytes here in 3 columns (small overhead I assume here for 3 columns VS 1)


    '2007/12/31' AS SMALLDATETIME = 4 bytes as well. But now you get to access all the cool datetime functions of sql server and have more indexing options. I don't see any downside of using smalldate in this case. It even has the option to keep the time (with 1 minute precision)... which you would have to keep in another column in the first scenario (2 bytes more if you want to complicate your life, 6 bytes if kept as strings... but forget any easy math operations from that point on).

  • Simply put, there are more reasons than I could possibly post here as to why you should not, nay, must not store dates as 3 separate columns. The efficiency for your current use may look attractive, but it will fail in the future and so will other "efficiencies".

    A clever person might try the best of both worlds... store the dates as DATETIME... modifiy the table by adding 3 calculated columns for Y, M, and D. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • And, God Forbid, those 3 calculated columns could even be indexed. There's no reason to index all three but you could ;).

  • Mark Fyffe (9/28/2007)

    Please provide some general guidlines on whether it is better to represent in a D.B. a fields for Year, Month, Day or is it better to have a field YMD and use date functions in your queries to use the particular part of the date necessary for a where clause.


    select someFields

    from someTable

    where Day = 25

    and Month = 12

    and Year = 2000


    select someFields

    from someTable

    where Day(YMD) = 25

    and Month(YMD) = 12

    and Year(YMD) = 2000

    I am looking for the most efficient approach.

    Most efficient?

    Here it is:

    select someFields

    from someTable

    where YMD = '2001225'

    Code for TallyGenerator

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