Datetime/timestamp problem when importing from old foxpro tables

  • We've started our migration from 2000 to 2005, and I'm rewritting a DTS Package as an SSIS and have hit a snag.

    The main problem is that when importing from a Foxpro 2.6 table, the date columns show up as DT_DBDATE all the way through until I get to the SQL Destination and then under Input and Output Properties->SQL Server Destination Input->External Columns, the date columns then show up as timestamp datatypes. I try switching them, and they just switch back.

    Maybe it could be related to another error that I'm not really sure what to do about. In the OLEDB source, I have the error "Cannot retieve the column code page from the OLEDB provider".

    If I didn't give enough info, let me know what you need and where I can find it and I'll have it on here asap.

    Thanks guys!

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  • Hi,

    I ran into that problem even when importing from an Excel table.

    It's of no use trying to fix the type of the columns in the data source, as the error output will not be adopted automatically and you are forbidden to change it manually.

    I usually insert a convert datatype component and create a copy of the respective columns with the timestamp database column type.

    You then can safely map the copied columns to your database columns.



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