Datetime - Selects, Variables and confusion

  • G'day folks,
    Would appreciate a little light shed on this one...
    Following is a test stub in SQL 2005.

    @Triggered_Datetime [datetime],
    @Triggered_Price [money]
    SET @Triggered_Datetime = '2006-03-01 01:03:59.000'
    SET @Triggered_Price = 1.2017
    SELECT TOP (1) Ticks.Tick_Identity, ticks.Tick_DateTime
    FROM Ticks
    WHERE Ticks.Tick_Price = @Triggered_Price AND
    Ticks.Tick_DateTime BETWEEN @Triggered_Datetime AND
    ORDER BY Ticks.Tick_Identity

    (Note: Ticks.Tick_Price is a datetime)
    Now this hangs (cancelled query after 5 mins).
    If however, I replace the @Triggered_Datetime in the WHERE clause with the actual datetime value (as below), it works fine (2 second response).
    @Triggered_Datetime [datetime],
    @Triggered_Price [money]
    SET @Triggered_Datetime = '2006-03-01 01:03:59.000'
    SET @Triggered_Price = 1.2017
    SELECT TOP (1) Ticks.Tick_Identity, ticks.Tick_DateTime
    FROM Ticks
    WHERE Ticks.Tick_Price = @Triggered_Price AND
    Ticks.Tick_DateTime BETWEEN '2006-03-01 01:03:59.000' AND
    Dateadd(Hour,2,'2006-03-01 01:03:59.000')
    ORDER BY Ticks.Tick_Identity
    Any advise/thoughts would be great, thanks



  • Dean,

    tough to say what the problem is here.

    Try setting the value of a second date parameter to dateadd(Hour, 2....) beforehand. As in the following example. See if that makes a difference.

    How big is this table by the way?


    @Triggered_Datetime [datetime],

    @Triggered_Price [money],

    @TwoHour_Datetime [datetime]

    SET @Triggered_Datetime = '2006-03-01 01:03:59.000'

    SET @Triggered_Price = 1.2017

    SET @TwoHour_Datetime = Dateadd(Hour,2,@Triggered_Datetime)

    SELECT TOP (1) Ticks.Tick_Identity, ticks.Tick_DateTime

    FROM Ticks

    WHERE Ticks.Tick_Price = @Triggered_Price AND

    Ticks.Tick_DateTime BETWEEN @Triggered_Datetime AND


    ORDER BY Ticks.Tick_Identity

  • i've seen this behaviour on betweens before.

    try using where Ticks.Tick_Price = @Triggered_Price AND

    Ticks.Tick_DateTime >= @Triggered_Datetime AND


    no idea why it fixed the problem but it did - possibley something to do with the arguments being sargable


  • Thanks for your reply’s Mike and Karl,


    Unfortunately neither suggestions make any difference.


    It is a big file, and TOP (1) & ORDER BY have their own nuances, but its confusing that the code works when I use actual values other than the variables.


    My feeling is that it is a CAST issue, but the datatype in the table is definitely datetime.


    Back to the drawing board!





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