Datetime: Need to store dates as old as 01/01/01

  • SQL Server Datetime datatype allows dates from year 1753-9999. I need to store data as old as 01/01/0001 due to package application requirements. Is there a way to get around this?

    Edited by - afaa on 10/16/2003 09:13:16 AM

  • Use character fields

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • You mean use Char or Varchar? But that will loose the benefit of datetime data type when it comes to date calculations, and comparisons and so forth, wouldn't it?

  • quote:

    You mean use Char or Varchar? But that will loose the benefit of datetime data type when it comes to date calculations, and comparisons and so forth, wouldn't it?

    Can you explain what you are trying to achieve?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Use the ISO format in the char field but you are sorta gonna be screwed on the datetime functions. Dates that far back are subject to errors as the calendar is not accurate due to changes over the years. Why 0001?

  • quote:

    But that will loose the benefit of datetime data type when it comes to date calculations, and comparisons and so forth, wouldn't it?

    Yes, but it doesn't matter because using dates prior to 1753 aren't acceptable by SQL Server as datetime anyways, so you can't use datetime calculations anyways.


  • I'm trying to see if we can migrate our database which is currently running on Informix in Unix. The application is Baan (ERP) package. The application populates blank (null) date fields with 01/01/0001. Thats the way the app deals with blank/null dates. It also uses date functions to calculate the date data.

    Does anyone run Baan on SQL Server or knows someone that does?

  • Unless the date is stored in a character type field I was not aware Informix supported anything older than 12/31/1899. The fact they didn't use NULLS bugs me as well as somewhere they have to be validating a usable date. I would look at the informix datatype and see if it is not a character type as opposed to datetime.

  • Informix does support dates of 01/01/0001-12/31/9999. It stores dates as 4 byte integers equal to the value since 12/31/1899. We've been running it for many years now.

    The reason Baan stores null date as 01/01/0001 is when it creates the tables it sets all columns to not null. Hence, every field requires some input. For dates it puts 01/01/0001, for strings it puts (space), for integers it puts 0(zero) instead of nulls.

  • Do not know anything about Baan (ERP) but can you convert 01/01/0001 dates to 01/01/1900 which would be sql server equivalent.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Since SQL 2K can store dates as early as '1/1/1753', when I need to reset a date to NULL (I wish :-)), I set it to '1/1/1754' (so that I know that _I_ put it in there). When my Stored Procedures and my applications see that date, they display and otherwise treat the field as if it were NULL or blank. (Note that the procedures and apps need to be programmed to respond that way). If you need to show historical dates prior to 1/1/1753, you need to use char or varchar.


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