DateTime in Case

  • I'm curious why the first query doesn't work?

    Create Table DateTimeCheck

    (ID int Identity(1,1),

    Date datetime Null)

    Insert DateTimeCheck

    Select Null Union All

    Select getdate() Union All

    Select getdate() Union All

    Select Null

    Select ID,Case Date When Null Then GetDate() Else Date End From DateTimeCheck

    Select ID,IsNull(Date,GetDate()) From DateTimeCheck



    ----------- -----------------------

    1 NULL

    2 2008-04-06 12:07:23.920

    3 2008-04-06 12:07:23.920

    4 NULL

    (4 row(s) affected)


    ----------- -----------------------

    1 2008-04-06 12:07:27.590

    2 2008-04-06 12:07:23.920

    3 2008-04-06 12:07:23.920

    4 2008-04-06 12:07:27.590

    Save our world, its all we have! A must watch video Pale Blue Dot[/url]

  • CASE is using the = comparison not the IS comparison needed to handle NULLS

    the correct case would be

    Select ID,Case When Date is Null Then GetDate() Else Date End From DateTimeCheck

  • Yea, Right my bad :hehe: Thanks

    Save our world, its all we have! A must watch video Pale Blue Dot[/url]

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