Dates in Yukon DTS

  • Hi,

    I'm new to SSIS and I have a simple question (I think).

    I have a flat file containing serveral columns and two of

    them contains date values. The format of the date for one

    column is 20040429 and for the other is 29-04-2004. The

    datatype of the first date column in the flatfile manager

    is DT_I4 and for the second DT_STR.

    I use a table to store the data. The datatypes for for the

    two datecolumns are datetime.

    When executing the package I always get an conversion

    error: "The value could not be converted because of a

    potential loss of data". Even after using a dataconvertion

    task which converts the two columns into DT_DBTIMESTAMP or


    Any help is greatly appreciated.


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  • I'm having the exact same problem.  This can't be that complicated...  Any pros out there willing to share their knowledge??

  • I had to do a date conversion from a Sybase integer that was the number of seconds from a "base date" which was defined as January 1, 1970.  I added the following two columns to my query in the data source and mapped them accordingly to the output columns:

    DATEADD(second, autoDisc, '01/01/1970') AS newAutoDisc,

    DATEADD(second, admitDate, '01/01/1970') AS newAdmitDate

    Your date conversion function would be different; but the same concept.


    david russell

  • I had the same problem with dates in aaaammmdd format on my flat file.

    I solved on this way:

    1)The input column has a DT_str datatype input lenght 8, output lenght 10

    2) I add a script task in which I extract year, month and day from my string and I recombine them into a data format (dd/mm/aaaa...I'm form Italy)

    3) I add a dataconversion task which converts my field from DT_STR into dt_dbtimestamp datatype

    4) I insert the field into my table.

    in the script task I put the following code (the empty Else is for manage NULL values):


    Class ScriptMain

    Inherits UserComponent

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)


    ' Add your code here

    'conversione date*********************************


    End Sub


    Private Function ConvToDate(ByVal DateString As String) As String

    'questa funzione trasforma una stringa in una data nel formato gg/mm/aaaa

    'se la stringa è vuota viene passato implicitamente il valore NULL

    Dim sDay, sMonth, sYear As String

    If Trim("" & DateString) <> "" Then

    sDay = Mid(DateString, 7, 2)

    sMonth = Mid(DateString, 5, 2)

    sYear = Mid(DateString, 1, 4)

    ConvToDate = sDay &

    "/" & sMonth & "/" & sYear


    End If

    End Function

    End class


    I hope it's not too late!



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