DATEPART to calculate financial year

  • Hello

    I have a report that uses the Datepart function to return the current, and previous, year's data:

    DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date);

    DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date) = DATPART(YEAR, GetDate())-1

    This brings through calendar year fine.

    Is it possible to amend this to bring through the financial year (e.g. 1/4/15 - 31/3/16)?

    Any advice much appreciated.

  • Could you give a couple of examples of your expected output? It's just a lot easier to code from that. It sounds like you could use something like this:...

    (Sorry, used a database I had kicking around...)

    SELECT TOP 20 OrderID

    , OrderDate

    , DATEPART(QUARTER,OrderDate) AS OrigQtr


    , YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrigYr

    , YEAR(DATEADD(MONTH,3,OrderDate)) AS FY

    FROM Sales.Orders

    If you have to do this in SSRS, you could just create FY and FQ as calculated columns, and you'd be sorted, right?

  • pietlinden, finanacial year start from April and end on March of the next year,

    your query will not calculate properl FY

    please check this

    declare @OrderDate datetime = '2000-04-01'


    DATEPART(QUARTER,@OrderDate) AS OrigQtr


    , YEAR(@OrderDate) AS OrigYr

    , YEAR(DATEADD(MONTH, 3, @OrderDate)) AS FY

    ---- Required Result


    case when @OrderDate >= 4 then datepart(yy, @OrderDate) + 1 else datepart(yy, @OrderDate) end AS FY

  • faulknerwilliam2 (9/15/2015)

    DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date) = DATPART(YEAR, GetDate())-1

    Whatever method you use, I expect you will find that

    WHERE a.Date >= @FYStartDate

    AND a.Date < @FYEndDatePlusOneDay

    performs more efficiently - especially if you have an Index on a.Date

    (If a.Date IS a DATE datatype, rather than DATETIME, then you can do

    WHERE a.Date >= @FYStartDate

    AND a.Date <= @FYEndDate


  • faulknerwilliam2 (9/15/2015)


    I have a report that uses the Datepart function to return the current, and previous, year's data:

    DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date);

    DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date) = DATPART(YEAR, GetDate())-1

    This brings through calendar year fine.

    Is it possible to amend this to bring through the financial year (e.g. 1/4/15 - 31/3/16)?

    Any advice much appreciated.

    Following expression will do

    IIF(DATEPART(MONTH, a.Date) >= 4, DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date) + 1, DATEPART(YEAR, a.Date))

    hope it helps

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