DateFloor Function

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item DateFloor Function

  • Won't the query cost for

    select dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'dd')

    be a lot higher than say

    select convert(datetime, convert(char(10), getdate(), 120))


  • Yes, you will have a scalar computation versus a datatype conversion - slightly more expensive. This was more for load functions where rounding down to the nearest hour or minute was the goal, or trimming miliseconds (as developers will often ask). Cast/convert date to string is probably still recommended for rounding down to the nearest day. This is more of a pattern to round down to other parts. The cost is realized in CPU at load, and the benefit is realized in post-processing when doing aggregations to the sub-day grain without further scalar computations at report time.

  • This is not the best way to implement this -- See

    declare @datetime datetime;

    set @datetime = getdate();

    select @datetime;

    select dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@datetime),0);

    select dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@datetime),0);

    select dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,@datetime),0);

    select dateadd(hour,datediff(hour,0,@datetime),0);

    select dateadd(minute,datediff(minute,0,@datetime),0);

    select dateadd(second,datediff(second,'2000-01-01',@datetime),'2000-01-01');

    or converted to this function:

    create function dbo.DATEFLOOR (

    @seed datetime

    , @part varchar(2)


    returns datetime




    Sample Usage (uses standard dateparts):

    select 'second', dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'ss') union all

    select 'minute', dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'mi') union all

    select 'hour' , dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'hh') union all

    select 'day' , dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'dd') union all

    select 'month' , dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'mm') union all

    select 'year' , dbo.datefloor(getdate(),'yy')


    select @retDate = case

    when @part = 'ss' then dateadd(second,datediff(second,'2000-01-01',@seed),'2000-01-01')

    when @part = 'mi' then dateadd(minute,datediff(minute,0,@seed),0)

    when @part = 'hh' then dateadd(hour,datediff(hour,0,@seed),0)

    when @part = 'dd' then dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,@seed),0)

    when @part = 'mm' then dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@seed),0)

    when @part = 'yy' then dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@seed),0)


    return @retDate


  • Thanks for the script.

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