DATEDIFF problem - Can't get correct no. of months

  • Hello, I'm new to, but quickly finding how VALUABLE this site is!

    OK, I'm trying to compare a product's commitment period to its actual commitment length. eg: a "12 month product" = 12, compare to 6/01/2001 to 5/31/2002 = 12.

    Problem is, DATEDIFF(mm, 6/01/2002, 5/31/2001) gives 11 instead of 12!!! I've looked into using DATEADD but the result is a date, I can't use that to compare... How should I do this? Pls help! Thank you.

  • I get 13 when I run either of these:

    select DATEDIFF(m, '5/31/2001', '6/01/2002' )

    select DATEDIFF(m, '6/01/2002', '5/31/2001' )


  • Try this:

    select DATEDIFF(m, '6/01/2001', '5/31/2002')

    This is exactly how I wrote it in my query:

    DATEDIFF(mm, od.order_start_date_hj, od.order_end_date_hj)

    and the "order_start_date / order_end_date" are in this format: 2002-10-31 00:00:00.000 and I'm using SQL Server 7.

    I think that SQL Server only count the months 6 to 5 = 11 but ignore it is actually 6/01 to 5/31... how can I get it right??

    Thank you.

  • You're right, that returns 11. What was I doing? Ah well. Best you can do is add one. When you use 5/31 you're really using 5/31/02 midnight. It wont return 12 until midnight on 6/1/02.


  • Just DATEADD(dd, 1, end_date) and it works... Thanks Andy!

    It seems kinda silly to have to do this, I wonder if this is something that the SQL team will improve for the next release of SQL Server.

  • I think you'd have to convince them that its wrong to start with.


  • New follow up question:

    Found another problem, adding 1 day to the end dates fixed the problem of DATEDIFF(mm, 1-01-2001, 12-31-2002) = 11.

    But this also created a new problem, for example a 6 months product that starts on 12/31/2001 and ends on 6/30/2002. 6/30 + 1day = 7/1/2002, and DATEDIFF(mm, 12-31-2001, 7-01-2002) = 7 months!

    I'm thinking I need to specify that we only need to add 1 day to the end date if the start date is the first day of the month. How can I do this? Or is there any other way to fix this problem?

  • The problem with this is how do you decide which way to slide. You have to lay a set of ground rules to say when to roll up or down before you can build a proper query.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • try this

    declare @datStart datetime,

    @datEnd datetime,

    @datCheck datetime,

    @intMonth integer

    set @datStart='01/01/2001'

    set @datEnd = '12/31/2002'

    set @intMonth = (select DATEDIFF(m, @datStart, @datEnd))

    select @intmonth

    set @datCheck= dateadd(m,-@intMonth,@datEnd)

    select @datCheck

    if @datCheck > @datStart

    set @intMonth = @intMonth + 1

    select @intMonth

  • Thanks to both of you. It's true, I've got to check with the business logic team to see exactly when I should roll up/down a month.

    Klass-Jan, I've implemented your script into mine using a CASE statement:

    SELECT bla,




    DATEADD(m, -1*DATEDIFF(m,order_start_date_hj,order_end_date_hj),order_end_date_hj) > order_start_date_hj


    DATEDIFF(m,order_start_date_hj,order_end_date_hj) + 1



    END AS 'CalculatedCommit'

    FROM blabla


    'CommitmentChosen' <> 'CalculatedCommit'

    Looks very untidy, I wanted to use the variables @intMonth, @datStart but I just can't get them tidy AND working 😛 Well, big thanks to you.

    PS. I feel sorry that Neitherlands didn't make it to the World Cup this year. They're always my favorite!

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