DateAdd or DatePart Question

  • So, thanks to all that helped with the first problem I had. Much like an onion, I am now presented with another issue. My hope in the first query issue, was to get a list of employees that fell under a specific supervisor and result in employee info with supervisor email.

    The plan is to have a SSIS job run a month before the employee's hiredate anniversary to remind them to do their evaluation of said employee.

    I initially thought DATEADD(MM,1,emphiredate) would work, but that only increased the month, keeping the year the original year. So then I thought of comparing DATEPART(M,emphiredate)=MONTH(getdate()) to get the anniversary month. That did it, but then when I went -1 or +1 on either the DATEPART or GETDATE statement, everything was fine until month 01 or 12 (depending on -1 or +1). When Month 12 came, I get zero results from my query because there is no month 13, same for month 01, as there is no month 00.

    Here is the test code I am working with. (Hopefully in a usable format this time):-D

    WITH emp AS


    SELECT 1000 AS empid, 1500 AS supid, 'Sparrow' AS ln, 'Jack' AS fn, '' AS email, '1990-04-01' AS emphiredate


    SELECT 1001, 1500, 'Teach', 'Edward', '', '1991-12-01'


    SELECT 1002, 1500, 'Roberts', 'Bart', '', '1991-01-16'


    SELECT 1003, 1500, 'Kidd', 'William', '', '2003-06-02'


    SELECT 1004, 1500, 'Morgan', 'Henry', '', '2010-03-01'


    SELECT 1500, 2000, 'Aubrey', 'Jack', '', '2008-12-16'


    SELECT 2000, NULL, 'Avery','Henry', '', '2001-11-20'


    SELECT a.empid, a.supid, a.ln, a.fn,, a.emphiredate, DATEPART(mm,a.emphiredate)as ReviewMonth

    FROM emp a

    Left outer Join emp b

    on a.supid = b.empid

    where DATEPART(MM,a.emphiredate)=MONTH('2012-12-1')+1/*getdate()-1)*/

    I have the getdate statement commented out, and using a hard coded date to test the parameters.

    Any thoughts? I sure hope to get better at this stuff. I really enjoy it.


    Steve E.

  • First off, why is this an SSIS job? Seems to me like a simple SP run by SQL Server agent could locate employees based on their hire date, then send an email to appropriate managers to remind them of the upcoming review, would be the right approach.

    And I think the function you need to look at is DATEDIFF.

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  • It can be a bit confusing, but basically what you end up having to do is clean off the 'year' and replace it.

    There's a few approaches, but direct datediff/dateadd math typically runs the fastest. There are exceptions but you've really got to dig to find the cases and desperately need a few milliseconds per million rows for them to matter.

    Check out the results of the following:


    empid, supid,

    ln, fn,



    dateadd(yy, -1 * datediff(yy, 0, emphiredate), emphiredate) AS NoYearDate,

    DATEADD( yy, datediff( yy, 0, getdate()), dateadd(yy, -1 * datediff(yy, 0, emphiredate), emphiredate)) AS ThisYearsAnniversary



    From there you can determine if the date is already past today, add in another year.

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  • Evil Kraig F (4/24/2012)

    It can be a bit confusing, but basically what you end up having to do is clean off the 'year' and replace it.

    Thanks for the makes sense....confusing, but I follow the logic.

    dwain.c (4/24/2012)

    First off, why is this an SSIS job? Seems to me like a simple SP run by SQL Server agent...

    Thanks for the advice....frankly, I hadnt thought of a SP doing it. I'll look into it.

    I appreciate the help.

    Steve E.

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