date type error?

  • Hi all,

    when I run the below script, I receive the error "Incorrect syntax near tp.  I'm not sure what I am missing.  Any help is appreciated.




      @group_id int


    /* Get the student group id */

     select @group_id=user_id from people where id='student' and type='Group'

    /* Get the print jobs for each printer between @start and @end and put the results into a temporary table */



     into #print


      printers pr,

      transaction_types tt,

      transactions tp


      tp.server_id=pr.server_id and

      tp.ref_id=pr.printer_id and

      tp.ttype_id=tt.ttype_id and

      tt.type='PR' and



     group by

    /* Get the STUDENT prints for each print between @start and @end and put the results into a temporary table*/



     into #stu


      printers pr,

      transaction_types tt,

      transactions tsp,

      people p


      tt.type='PR' and

      tsp.server_id=pr.server_id and

      tsp.ref_id=pr.printer_id and

      tsp.ttype_id=tt.ttype_id and

      tsp.time>'01/13/04' and

      tsp.time<='05/15/04' and

      tsp.user_id=p.user_id and


     group by

    /* Get the credits applied to each printer between @start and @end and put the results into a temporary table */



     into #credit


      printers pr,

      transaction_types ttc,

      acu_print_credits apc,

      transactions tcp,

      transactions t


      t.server_id=pr.server_id and

      t.ref_id=pr.printer_id and

      t.transaction_id=apc.print_id and

      tcp.transaction_id=apc.credit_id and

      tcp.ttype_id=ttc.ttype_id and

      ttc.type='CR' and

      tcp.time>'01/13/04' and


     group by

  • Not sure.  It looks like "tp.ttype_id=tt.ttype_id" might have two t's for type_id. 

    You may want to run this select on its own, (rather than putting it into #TempTable) and see if you can isolate the problem. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Operator (probably "AND") is missing in one of the WHERE clauses between the two conditions for date:

     tt.type='PR' and



     group by

  • Good eye, Vladan!!

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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