• Hi All,

    select 1 where convert(varchar(10),getdate(),103) <= convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103)

    How above condition is worng.


    Kiruba sankar.S

  • Kiruba

    Because you've converted your dates to varchar, it's comparing string values and not date values. In those circumstances, '03/10/07' will always be greater than '01/01/08'.


  • hi,

    this will work

    select 1 where getdate() <= '01/01/2008'

    select 1 where getdate() <= convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103)

    since u are comparing strings


  • If you want to compare dates in string format you must use the 111 date format, because this way you'l have first the year, then the month and finally the day. Try this:

    declare @a datetime

    set @a='2008-01-01'

    select 1 where convert(varchar(10),getdate(),111) <= convert(varchar(10),@a,111)

    Hope this helps,


  • All 3 version of this query are read by the Query Optimizer in the same way: the string date on the right side is implicitly converted to datetime. Because of this and the fact that you want to use datetime always when comparing dates, I would suggest using the first version as it is easier to read.

    select 1 where getdate() <= '01/01/2008'

    select 1 where getdate() <= CAST('01/01/2008' as datetime)

    select 1 where getdate() <= convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103)

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • The second query is not 100% correct because it depends on the dateformat. For example:

    set dateformat dmy;

    select 1 where getdate() <= CAST('01/15/2008' as datetime)

    will raise an error.

  • They will all produce an error if you change the date format. We must assume here that the varchar date value that they are placing on the right side of the equality is in the correct date format for their settings.

    set dateformat dmy

    select 1 where getdate() <= '01/15/2008'

    select 1 where getdate() <= CAST('01/15/2008' as datetime)

    select 1 where getdate() <= convert(varchar(10),'01/15/2008',103)

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • As others have said issue is the varchar comparison - I would use something like

    select 1 where getdate() <= convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103),103)

  • select 1 where getdate() <= convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103),103)

    Why do all the converting: char(10) to varchar(10) to datetime? And why lock yourself into a specific format? Let the system perform an implicit conversion and you can use any valid format. All the following work identically:

    select 1 where getdate() <= '01/15/2008';

    select 1 where getdate() <= '20080115';

    select 1 where getdate() <= '2008-01-15';

    select 1 where getdate() <= 'Jan 15, 2008';

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Exactly!! There is no reason to CAST/CONVERT here as the Query Optimizer will do an implicit conversion. Hence my earlier suggestion to use the select 1 where getdate() <= '01/15/2008' statement. Thanks for putting us back on target Tomm.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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