November 1, 2012 at 7:51 am
hi ,
my date field is coming from file which has formate CCYYMMDD.
now in ssis package i declared this column as a date ,in script component and try to get values.
using conver.todatetime(columnname)
but getting error,
now if i make this field in ssis string and in my sql table string it works fine,
but i cannot change my sql table fileld.
so need something that works around and get me value in sql table as a date CCYYMMDD
November 1, 2012 at 3:12 pm
Do dbcc useroptions to see what lanugage you are using. Us_English will recognize 10-11-12 as Oct 11 2012. But British English will see it as Nov 10.
From here do a derived column transform to rearrange the characters to the correct format for the language of the database used for the insert. Better yet, arrange them in the yyyymmdd format as this is universal and should work with all languages. Use this new column as the source for the destination field. Sorry if I am not sure what the cc means.
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