date time field

  • when i find between in my datetime field it


    select top 10 * from FACT_INS_BOOKING

    where date_key between '2002-10-16' and '2002-10-25'

    it doesnot give me 25th oct records but gives till 24th oct

  • SQL Server will change the dates into datetime fields so you query will read

    select top 10 *

    from fact_ins_booking

    where date_key between '2002-10-16 00:00:00'

    and '2002-10-25 00:00:00'

    If your rows have a time stamp then anything on the 25th Oct will not fit the where clause.

    One easy solution is to change the query to be less than dateadd(day,1,@enddate):

    select top 10 *

    from fact_ins_booking

    where date_key >= '2002-10-16'

    and date_key < '2002-10-26'


  • alternatively, just specify the times as well..

    select top 10 *

    from fact_ins_booking

    where date_key between '2002-10-16 00:00:00'

    and '2002-10-25 23:59:59'

    Edited by - amackay_1 on 12/02/2003 05:28:38 AM

  • Might as well add the milliseconds while you are at it.


    because of time clock precision and rounding, you won't be able to go higher than .997.

    Looking forward to a true Date datatype in next version of MSSQL.

  • I had the same problem so I use the following:

    WHERE Convert(varchar(10),date_key,101) Between @Startdate and @EndDate

    @Startdate being '10/16/2002'

    @EndDate being '10/25/2002'

    Edited by - cfeisel on 12/02/2003 10:29:34 AM

  • I always use Jeremy's method, never have problems.

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