Date Question !!!

  • I have the week number for a year, how do I find out the dates for that week.

    Eg: week 35 for this yr is current week of august.  

    So when I enter 35 as input it should give me 21-Aug-2004 to 28-Aug-2004.  

    Can anybody help me out with this one .....

    thankz in advance ....


  • I will give the framework to do that. There might be some syntax error also. Pls do adjust.

    CREATE FUNCTION First_Last_Week_Date(@Weekno int, @Year int)

    RETURNS varchar



    DECLARE @ReturnString varchar(50)

    DECLARE @FirstDayOfWeek datetime

    DECLARE @LastDayOfWeek datetime

    DECLARE @Year varchar(25)

    SET @Year = '1/1/' + @Year

    SET @FirstDayOfWeek = DATEADD(wk, @Weekno, @Year)

    SET @LastDayOfWeek = DATEADD(dd, 7, @FirstDayOfWeek)

    SET @ReturnString = @FirstDayOfWeek + @LastDayOfWeek

    RETURN (@ReturnString)




  • Krishna,

    Ganesh's suggestion is excellent with two corrections.

    Let's say you are trying this for week 35.

    1/1/2004 is week 1. So if you add @weekno (35) to it you will actually be getting week 36.

    Adjust this:

    SET @FirstDayOfWeek = DATEADD(wk, @Weekno, @Year)

    to be:

    SET @FirstDayOfWeek = DATEADD(wk, (@Weekno -1), @Year)

    The second correction is that when you take the first day of the week (datepart 1) and add 7 to it, you get 8 which is back to datepart 1. So, fix this:

    SET @LastDayOfWeek = DATEADD(dd, 7, @FirstDayOfWeek)

    to be:

    SET @LastDayOfWeek = DATEADD(dd, 6, @FirstDayOfWeek)

    Test both Ganesh's before and after the change/corrections and check the results. By the way, you need to make sure that your system is set for the proper first day of the week. Sunday should be the first day (Datepart 1). To check run this:

    SELECT DATEPART(dw, getdate())

    For 31 Aug it should return 3 (third day of the week). If not you can use SET DATEFIRST to get the correct date. Refer to the BOL.


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  • Actually,

    DATEADD(WEEK,x,somedate) Just adds 7*x days to the given date...

    Not very useful at all.

    The above functions don't give the correct results.


    -- Input Variables

    DECLARE @week INT, @year INT

    SELECT @week = 35, @year = YEAR(GETDATE())

    -- Calculation


    SET @hitdate = DATEADD(YEAR,@year-1900,0) + (@week-1)*7

    SET @DW = DATEPART(dw,@hitdate)

    -- Result

    SELECT DATEADD(DAY,-@dw,@hitdate), DATEADD(DAY,7-@dw,@hitdate)

    SELECT CAST(DATEADD(DAY,-@dw,@hitdate) AS VARCHAR) + ' to ' + CAST(DATEADD(DAY,7-@dw,@hitdate) AS VARCHAR)

    I can say right now - I am not sure how You count the weeks when one year turns into another e.g: 2003-2004


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