Date Picker for MDX/AS query

  • I have a report which requires the user to pick a certain date from a parameter. I've setup all my parameters using MDX and separate data sets for parameter values.

    The parameters created by default are all strings in the form of an MDX tuple.

    Can I convert these parameters into a date picker, which would nicely convert the date into MDX syntax?

  • I have used following Query

    SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[InventoryQty] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Branch].[Branch Code].[Branch Code].ALLMEMBERS * [Currency].[Currency].[Currency].ALLMEMBERS * [Branch].[Branch Name].[Branch Name].ALLMEMBERS ) }


    WHERE Filter([Date].[Full Date].[Full Date].Members,[Date].[Full Date].CurrentMember.MemberValue=CDate(@dateParam))

    @dateParam is DateTime parameter Of type DateTime in Reporting Services.

    and the ValueColumn Property of [Full Date] Attribute of Date Dimension is binded to datetime column


  • before running the SP/QRY try to figure out the local datetime setting of your server. And then use the following query ;_

    1) SET DATEFORMAT mdy or

    2) SET DATEFORMAT ydm or


  • Thanks for the help people. I tried using Nasir's solution (and it still seems the most elegant) but I kept getting a type mismatch.

    I ended up creating a DateTime variable, then defining a VB function to convert a date into an MDX string to match my time dimension (using the Parameter relations section in the data source link).

  • Can you share a sample of how you made this work using a function? I too am getting a date type conversion error and have to use a Date Picker in my Reporting Services report against a cube. Any help is appeciated. I have already spent a day trying to get this to work.


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