Date, period, spell

  • I have information about total time (period) and periods of "absence" (from total period).

    How to create new period with "present" periods ?

    -- FamilyMember, only one period / Individual:

    create table #FamilyMembers


    IndividualNo int,

    MemberInFamilyID int,

    MemberStartDate date,

    MemberEndDate date


    insert into #FamilyMembers VALUES ('1234', '32', '1925-01-01' , '1945-05-02')

    insert into #FamilyMembers VALUES ('5678', '54', '1932-09-09' , '1955-04-04')

    -- Periodes when individual have absence from family:

    create table #AbsenceFromfamily


    IndividualNo int,

    MemberInFamilyID int,

    AbsenceStartDate date,

    AbsenceEndDate date


    -- Absence from family:

    insert into #AbsenceFromfamily VALUES ('1234' , '32', '1927-05-05' , '1928-02-02')

    insert into #AbsenceFromfamily VALUES ('1234' , '32', '1939-07-07' , '1942-06-08')

    insert into #AbsenceFromfamily VALUES ('5678' , '54', '1932-09-09' , '1937-02-02')

    insert into #AbsenceFromfamily VALUES ('5678' , '54', '1942-08-08' , '1948-05-02')

    insert into #AbsenceFromfamily VALUES ('5678' , '54', '1952-03-03' , '1955-04-04')

    -- Create New type of periods, present in family ( FamilyMember period minus absence):

    create table #PresentInfamily


    IndividualNo int,

    MemberInFamilyID int,

    PresentStartDate date,

    PresentEndDate date


    -- RESULT

    -- individual is present in family:

    -- 1234 , 32 , 1925-01-01 , 1927-05-04

    -- 1234 , 32 , 1928-02-03 , 1939-07-06

    -- 1234 , 32 , 1942-06-09 , 1945-05-02

    -- 5678 , 54 , 1937-02-03 , 1972-08-07

    -- 5678 , 54 , 1948-05-03 , 1952-03-02



  • INSERT INTO #PresentInfamily

    SELECT * FROM #FamilyMembers


    SELECT@strSQL = COALESCE( @strSQL, '' )

    + ' INSERT INTO #PresentInfamily( IndividualNo, MemberInFamilyID, PresentStartDate, PresentEndDate ) '

    + ' SELECT IndividualNo, MemberInFamilyID, ''' + CAST( DATEADD( DAY, 1, AbsenceEndDate ) AS VARCHAR(20) ) + ''', PresentEndDate '

    + ' FROM #PresentInfamily '

    + ' WHERE IndividualNo = ' + CAST( IndividualNo AS VARCHAR(10) )

    + ' ANDMemberInFamilyID = ' + CAST( MemberInFamilyID AS VARCHAR(10) )

    + ' AND ''' + CAST( AbsenceStartDate AS VARCHAR(20) ) + ''' BETWEEN PresentStartDate AND PresentEndDate '

    + ' UPDATE #PresentInfamily '

    + ' SETPresentEndDate = ''' + CAST( DATEADD( DAY, -1, AbsenceStartDate ) AS VARCHAR(20) ) + ''' '

    + ' WHERE IndividualNo = ' + CAST( IndividualNo AS VARCHAR(10) )

    + ' ANDMemberInFamilyID = ' + CAST( MemberInFamilyID AS VARCHAR(10) )

    + ' AND ''' + CAST( AbsenceStartDate AS VARCHAR(20) ) + ''' BETWEEN PresentStartDate AND PresentEndDate '


    EXECUTE ( @strSQL )

    DELETE FROM #PresentInfamily WHERE PresentStartDate > PresentEndDate

    SELECT * FROM #PresentInfamily

    Just check if this works..

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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