Date format Question

  • I have a datetime field in one of my tables that I am using to pass to SQL Report Server. The field is called ActivityDate and the table is called EducationHistory. The ActivityDate field's data is in the 10/20/2006 12:00:00 AM format and I need the output to be either 10/20/2006 or 10/20/06.

    I will be using this field as a parameter in Reporting Services and it would be a lot easier to have the users type in a simple date such as 10/20/06.

    Thanks in advance, B

  • Is this what u want:

    declare @dt datetime

    set @dt ='10/20/2006 12:00:00 AM'

    select @dt, Convert(Char(10),@dt,101),Convert(Char(10),@dt,1)



  • Not quite sure, I am a novice SQl user, so bare with me. I basically need to drop the time portion of the field. What are you referring to when you use @dt. Also, wouldn't your set statement make the time appear. Maybe I'm missing something, could you go into further detail? Thx

  • Sreejith is pointing out that DATETIME is just a number and how you see it formatted depends on a number of settings.

    To explicitly format the DATETIME in US format, you need to use the CONVERT function with a style of either 1 or 101.

    (You can see the detail on the CONVERT function in BOL - SQL Server Books Online.)


    SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10), ActivityDate, 101) AS YYYYDate

     ,CONVERT(CHAR(8), ActivityDate, 1) AS YYDate

     -- This will also work if you default to US settings

     ,CAST(ActivityDate as CHAR(10)) AS YYYYDate2

    FROM EducationHistory

    To search for rows with a given activity date you should do a range search to account for differenct times.


    SELECT *

    FROM EducationHistory

    WHERE ActivityDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '10/20/06', 1)

     AND ActivityDate < DATEADD(day, 1, CONVERT(DATETIME, '10/20/06', 1))


    SELECT *

    FROM EducationHistory

    WHERE ActivityDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '10/20/06', 1)

     AND ActivityDate < CONVERT(DATETIME, '10/20/06', 1) + 1

  • Thank you for the was very helpful. I was able to solve my issue!

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