March 20, 2003 at 11:13 am
I live in Rio, Brasil, where We use the "Brazilian" regional setting (the language is called "Português (Brasil)".
My Pentium 550MHz is configured to use the Brazilian date format ("dd/mm/aaaa", that means "dd/mm/yyyy"), and it works normally.
In SQL Server 2000, on the other hand, under "SQL Server group", I created my own server.
Then, clicking on "Properties", in "server settings" tab I choosed "Brazilian" for the "default language". Also, in "Security" folder, opening "Logins", I repeated "Brazilian" as the "default language" for all Users.
Let me observe that, in that "Properties" window of my server, the option Language" still shows "Inglês (Estados Unidos)".
Now, the worst: in the database I created, although I insert correctly the date in a register, the "date" field shows (for instance, for the date "31/12/2002") it as "31/12/aaaa" (remember: "aaaa" stands for "yyyy").
I really do not know what else can I do!!! Would You be kind in helping me? Thanks in advance!
Dalton H Iberê Gilson
March 24, 2003 at 8:00 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
March 24, 2003 at 8:15 am
Please specify a little more detailed your problem.
insert correctly the date in a register
What register? Are you using INSERT INTO statements? (Take a look in BOL under SET DATEFORMAT, then take a look at ISDATE function [if SQL server actually interprets your data as a DATE])
How are you verifying your data? Are you using SELECTs?
March 24, 2003 at 3:38 pm
1 - Yes, the inclusion of new data passes through "INSERT INTO (the table....)", as usual;
2 - I checked ISDATE in SQL Query Analyzer and the result returned "1";
3 - looking in my DB tables, in my Server inside SQL Server, I see that the dates are correctly displayed (for instance: "31/12/2001") in my "ddmmyyyy" dateformat...
Thanks for trying...!
March 25, 2003 at 1:02 am
Hmm, sorry, then I don't understand the problem? Or is it resolved?
the "date" field shows (for instance, for the date "31/12/2002") it as "31/12/aaaa"
Is that the problem then? Where did it appear?
March 25, 2003 at 6:16 am
Yes, Hanslindgren!, that is the very problem!
This quite strange display (for instance, "31/12/aaaa") is how the date appears in the pages!
...Thanks again!
March 25, 2003 at 6:58 am
Sorry, but WHERE is it displayed like that? What is displaying it like that?
Are you talking about a third party software? Do you have the source code (otherwise fixing it might be a problem 😉
Pages, what pages? Register, what register?
My questions are many, but for trying to help you I need to know the error situation...
Since you state
3 - looking in my DB tables, in my Server inside SQL Server, I see that the dates are correctly displayed (for instance: "31/12/2001")
I am not sure that your problem concerns SQL Server but something external...
March 25, 2003 at 11:20 am
I'm building a site about "Contracts", where I'll put (among other things) all Brazilian laws concerning Contracts, directly and/or indirectly.
So, a webpage, called "legislation.asp", will display a list (brought from the data I'll INSERT INTO the respective table in my SQL Server 2000 database, through the inputs I'll give in an "administration" webpage) of all laws about Contracts, for Visitors to choose and pick one up, to read, download and/or print.
And that's that webpage, with that list, I'm talking about: the name-and-nr. of each law, and a sinopsis of its content, appears correctly in the webpage, but the date of the publication of the law, is what is displayed wrong (for instance:"31/12/aaaa").
Although I thank You very much for your efforts in helping me, I'm not quite sure if I made myself sufficiently clear this time -- if not, please help me by querying me!
Thanks again!
March 25, 2003 at 12:39 pm
You haven't answered the important question that Hanslindgren asked of you...what are you using to get the information? In other words, when you get the response "31/12/aaaa" where do you get that at? Is in SQL Server? Is it in a Crystal Reports? Is is in Visual Basic?
From your information, SQL Server appears to have the date information correctly stored. It's just being displayed wrong and we need to know what you are using to display the information.
March 25, 2003 at 2:06 pm
You've already observed that (up to now, at least!) I'm just a dummy and self-made-Programmer..., that's why I'm making things seem so difficult! ...but: be patient!
In the beginning of the webpage, written in ASP, the data (and dates) are SELECTed from SQL 2000 Server database registers through ASP statements [open_objConn, Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"), etc., etc.], and are displayed in tables, inside iframes.
Did I answered your queries? Thanks once more!
March 25, 2003 at 2:21 pm
Dalton, could you post the code used to display the data from ADO Recordsets?
Chris Hedgate @ Apptus Technologies (
March 25, 2003 at 3:32 pm
Sure! This is one of the pages where data will be displayed:
"<%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript"
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Response.Expires = 0
<!-- #include virtual = "../../../inc/inc-conexao.asp" -->
Dim objConn, objRS, strQ, varcodigolei
Dim strConnection
Call abre_objConn
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
varcodigolei = request.querystring("tit")
Set objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn
strQ = "SELECT codigolei, titulolei, datalei, assuntolei, tipolei, destaquelei FROM legislacaotb WHERE tipolei LIKE 'cpub'"
objRS.Open strQ
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Contratos on Line - Legislação codificada geral, aplicável aos Contratos em geral</title>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<LINK href="../../inc/estiloCoL.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<!-- #include virtual = "../../inc/cabecalhoscript.js" -->
/* Preload images script, by JavaScript Kit ( */
var myimages=new Array()
function preloadimages(){
for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){
myimages=new Image()
//Enter path of images to be preloaded inside parenthesis. Extend list as desired.
<META content="MSHTML 5.50.4922.900" name=GENERATOR></head>
<BODY class="body" background="../../../imagens/back1.gif" onLoad="placeFocus()">
<!-- #include virtual = "../../../inc/popupequeno.js" -->
<DIV class="main">
<!-- #include virtual = "../../../inc/cabecalhotab.htm" -->
<DIV class="geral">
<DIV style="position:absolute; left:-1px; top:69px; align=left;">
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legcontratosemgeral.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação que direta e/ou indiretamente se aplica a Contratos, em geral'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabContratos0.gif border="0" title="Acompanhe aqui a legislação que se aplica a Contratos de uma forma geral" style="POSITION:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legcodigos.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação codificada que se aplica a toda a vida da Sociedade, em geral'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabCodigos1.gif border="0" style="POSITION:absolute; left:100px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legconsumidor.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação que versa sobre a defesa do Consumidor e sobre a chamada “Economia popular”'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabConsumidor0.gif border="0" title="A legislação que disciplina os direitos do Consumidor, inclusive em Contratos" style="POSITION:absolute; left:150px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legsociedades.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação que — afora o Código Civil — regula especificamente as Pessoas Jurídicas'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabSociedades0.gif border="0" title="A legislação que regula a constituição das Sociedades de todo tipo" style="POSITION:absolute; left:269px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legtrabalho.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação que regula as relações de trabalho, quer permanente ou temporário'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabTrabalho0.gif border="0" title="A legislação que regula as mais diversas formas de Contratos de trabalho" style="POSITION:absolute; left:335px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legcontratospublicos.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação sobre as diversas modalidades de licitações e sobre contratações pela Administração Pública'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabContratosPublicos0.gif border="0" title="A legislação sobre Licitações e sobre Contratos públicos, também chamados de Contratos Administrativos" style="POSITION:absolute; left:386px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/leginformatica.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'A legislação sobre as cada vez maiores implicações da informática no dia-a-dia das Pessoas e das Empresas'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabInformatica0.gif border="0" title="A legislação que regula a participação, a cada dia maior, da Informática nas relações diárias" style="POSITION:absolute; left:485px; top:0px;"></A>
<a href="../../../biblioteca/legislacao/legpl-mps.asp" onmouseover="window.status = 'Os Projeto de Lei em andamento, e as Medidas Provisórias enquanto em vigor — que interessam a Contratos'; return true" onmouseout="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG SRC=../../../imagens/tabPL-MPs0.gif border="0" title="A nova legislação em elaboração no Congresso Nacional" style="POSITION:absolute; left:547px; top:0px;"></A></DIV>
<DIV style="position:absolute; top:83px; left:-8px;"><HR color=#A65300></DIV>
<DIV style="position:absolute; left:-1px; top:95px; width:736px; padding:3px; background:#E7EFE7; font-size:8pt; font-family:verdana,tahoma,arial; color:#444444;"><IMG src="../../../imagens/lampada1.gif" border=0 align="top"> <b>clique no cabeçalho da coluna, e liste em ordem <i>crescente/decrescente</i></b> <IMG src="../../../imagens/atencao6.gif" border=0 align="top"> <b>as <i>datas</i> estão por <i>ano</i>-<i>mês</i>-<i>dia</i></i></b></DIV>
<DIV style="position:absolute; left:-3px; top:123px; width:739px; height:200px;">
<FORM name="cpub" method="POST" action="../../../legislacaointegra.asp"><ilayer width=739 height=200><layer width=735 height=2000>
<div style="left:5px; top:145px; width:739px; height:200px; overflow:scroll;">
<TABLE class="letras" style="BEHAVIOR: url(../../../inc/; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #E6E8FA" borderColor=#FFFFFF cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=1>
<THEAD><TR align=left>
<TD align="left" background="../../../imagens/blankEFEBEF.gif" width="185"><FONT face=Verdana,Sans-serif color=#880000 size=2><B> Legislação</B></FONT></TD>
<TD align="left" background="../../../imagens/blankEFEBEF.gif" width="60"><FONT face=Verdana,Sans-serif color=#880000 size=2><B> Data</B></FONT></TD>
<TD align="left" background="../../../imagens/blankEFEBEF.gif" width="470"><FONT face=Verdana,Sans-serif color=#880000 size=2><B>Assunto</B></FONT></TD>
While Not objRS.EOF
Response.Write "<TR><TD align='left' valign='top' background='../../../imagens/blankE6E8FA.gif' width='185'><FONT color=#000088 size=1><a href='../../../legislacaointegra.asp?tit=" & objRs("codigolei") & "'>" & objRS("titulolei") & "</a></FONT></TD>"
Response.Write "<TD align='left' valign='top' background='../../../imagens/blankE6E8FA.gif' width='60'><FONT color=#880000 size=1>" & objRS("datalei") & "</FONT></TD>"
Response.Write "<TD align='left' valign='top' background='../../../imagens/blankE6E8FA.gif' width='470'><FONT color=#880000 size=1>" & objRS("assuntolei") & "</FONT></TD>"
Call fecha_objConn
Set objRS = Nothing
Thanks, many thanks!
March 26, 2003 at 3:19 am
Hmm, the forum code is having fun with us.
I guess it is this row of code that displays the date in the strange way:
Response.Write "<TD align='left' valign='top' background='../../../imagens/blankE6E8FA.gif' width='60'><FONT color=#880000 size=1>" & objRS("datalei") & "</FONT></TD>"
Have you tried running the select statement in Query Analyzer? What does it return there?
What data type is the column datalei?
Chris Hedgate @ Apptus Technologies (
March 26, 2003 at 6:23 am
We were all beginners at one time. I'm not an ASP user, so I can't tell you where the problem is exactly. But I can help you a bit.
Here's the thing about datetime data type:
SQL Server STORES the datetime data type as a 8 bit integer. It's the number of seconds after a specific date. So, it really doesn't store it as 2003-03-26 12:00:00.000 or any other 'datetime' format. So, that's how it is STORED.
Whatever method is used to retrieve the datetime determines how it is DISPLAYED. Query Analyzer will return it in the format you have set SQL Server in unless you do a CONVERT. ASP, Visual Basic, etc. all DISPLAY the datetime in whatever format they are set for as default unless you use their coding to change the format.
In your case, you have SQL Server set for Brazilian time and as you said, SQL Server displays the datetime correctly. But, you haven't told us what your ASP is set for as default. That's where the problem is. Your ASP code is taking the SQL Server data and displaying it incorrectly.
This issue with STORING and DISPLAYING of datetime data type can be one of the most confusing things to learn about SQL Server. I hope I explained it well enough for you.
Again, the problem isn't with SQL Server, it's with your ASP program.
March 26, 2003 at 6:47 am
SQLBill, Dig, and everyone. Just to make sure I understand dig correct, and if I do make sure all you others also understand the problem this way. As I understand it, the problem is that when dig prints the date, using ASP, what gets printed is the exact characters below:
Note that I woth aaaa don't mean 'any four digits representing a year', I mean the character 'a' displayed 4 times. This is how I understand you dig, is that correct? If I am correct, then this seems very strange indeed. No matter what way your ASP is set to display dates I can't see how it would mask the year with aaaa. That is why I asked what the datatype is for the column datalei, and why I wanted you to run the SELECT-statement in Query Analyzer and tell us what it returns.
Other than that, SQLBill makes some very good points about the confusion regarding storage and representation of dates in SQL Server.
Chris Hedgate @ Apptus Technologies (
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