Date Drop Down Report Parameter?

  • I'm new to reporting services but am hoping to find a useful answer to this question...

    How can I design a report (using VS.NET) with a date box, where the user can select the date from a calendar / month style view?

    I've been using the DataTime parameter, but the can only use the american m/d/y format, not the UK d/m/y format.

    I'd like to make it default to today, but be changeable.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Currently with Report Services 2000, there is no calendar control provided , therefore, you can't simply use calendar control in parameter, but this is something might be available for Reporting Services 2005, I haven't got hold of it, so can't say if its there or not.

    But for RS 2000, can you have page with calendar control and use URL Access to pass dates as parameter.

    Or if someone has already found a way doing this inside RS 2000 do share your logic with us. Also for those using RS 2005, is this feature available in RS 2005?

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