Date Conversion

  • Lynn Pettis (1/11/2016)

    Eirikur Eiriksson (1/10/2016)

    rahulsahay123 (1/8/2016)

    I am getting a data feed with date column of type integer.Format is mmddyyyy.

    Values are like : 01092015

    Now i want to convert this into yyyy-mm-dd format ie 2015-01-09

    Pls suggest the way. Thanks in advance

    Rahul Sahay

    Few things wrong here, numerical data types do not have leading zeros and there is no such thing as a date format for the date and datetime type data types. If you are importing the data then you would probably like to convert the integer to the data type date which is very simple, no need to do any kind of string conversion or manipulation.


    D E C L A R E @DATEINT INT = 9012016; -- can't post declarations from work.



    (@DATEINT % 10000 )

    ,(@DATEINT / 10000) % 100

    ,(@DATEINT / 1000000));

    Won't work in SQL Server 2008.

    Sorry, my bad, DATEFROMPARTS is 2012+, here is a 2008 and earlier version


    DECLARE @DATEINT INT = 9012016;


    DATEADD(YEAR, ((@DATEINT % 10000 ) - 1900 )

    ,DATEADD(MONTH,(((@DATEINT / 10000 ) % 100) - 1)

    ,DATEADD(DAY, (@DATEINT / 1000000) - 1,0)));

    A word of caution though if using this code, it will not error if an invalid date is passed. On the other hand it is very fast.;-)

    Edit: Caution

  • Alvin Ramard (1/11/2016)

    Eric M Russell (1/11/2016)

    rahulsahay123 (1/8/2016)

    I am getting a data feed with date column of type integer.Format is mmddyyyy.

    Values are like : 01092015

    Now i want to convert this into yyyy-mm-dd format ie 2015-01-09

    Pls suggest the way. Thanks in advance

    Rahul Sahay

    Rather than MMDDYYYY, confirm if the data is instead using the pattern YYYYMMDD. That's the typical pattern for integer based date keys.

    I certainly hope the sample data given (01092015) is not meant to be YYYYMMDD.

    Hopefully 01092015 is not an actual sample data but just an illustration of what MMDDYYYY looks like. If the data type is interger, I doubt it would be an actual sample, because integers don't supply leading zeros.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (1/11/2016)

    Alvin Ramard (1/11/2016)

    Eric M Russell (1/11/2016)

    rahulsahay123 (1/8/2016)

    I am getting a data feed with date column of type integer.Format is mmddyyyy.

    Values are like : 01092015

    Now i want to convert this into yyyy-mm-dd format ie 2015-01-09

    Pls suggest the way. Thanks in advance

    Rahul Sahay

    Rather than MMDDYYYY, confirm if the data is instead using the pattern YYYYMMDD. That's the typical pattern for integer based date keys.

    I certainly hope the sample data given (01092015) is not meant to be YYYYMMDD.

    Hopefully 01092015 is not an actual sample data but just an illustration of what MMDDYYYY looks like. If the data type is interger, I doubt it would be an actual sample, because integers don't supply leading zeros.

    The OP seems to be clear about the format, MMDDYYYY. I suspect he/she is dealing with numeric data in a string/text type field, but I could be wrong.

    Alvin Ramard
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  • If you routinely encounter source data feeds containing dates formatted as strings (ie: MMDDYYY), then you may want to consider implementing a calendar reference table containing multiple variations of key codes that resolve to a proper Date typed column. In addition to resolving transformations by a simple join, it can also be leveraged for things like descriptive period rollups and identification of business days and holidays without cluttering SQL queries with parsing and data type conversion functions.

    create table DimDate


    CalDate date primary key not null,

    YYYYMMDD char(8) not null,

    MMDDYYYY char(8) not null,

    DayNum tinyint not null,

    MonthNum tinyint not null,

    YearNum smallint not null,

    MonthName varchar(20) not null,

    DayOfWeekName varchar(20) not null,

    FiscalQuarter tinyint not null,

    IsBusinessDay tinyint not null,

    IsHoliday tinyint not null

    -- etc. etc.


    create unique index ix_DimDate_YYYYMMDD on DimDate( YYYYMMDD );

    create unique index ix_DimDate_MMDDYYYY on DimDate( MMDDYYYY );

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Now i want to convert this into yyyy-mm-dd format ie 2015-01-09

    If you are still introducing this into another string column then

    declare @mystring varchar(10) = '01092015' ;

    select right(@mystring,4) +'-'+



    This leaves out the cast portion.


  • I am assuming that this is a string column for a int column would not hold the leading zero by the way.

    declare @myint int = '0123'

    select @myint

    Plus needless to say I dont think you have this coming from a date column either.


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