date comparison

  • column process_date datatype is DateTime

    select * from tablea where employeeid = '00880187'

    and process_date=convert(datetime,'2008-10-31 00:00:29.000',106)

    Why above query gives following error

    "Syntax error converting datetime from character string"

  • pramod.chauhan (11/5/2008)

    column process_date datatype is DateTime

    select * from tablea where employeeid = '00880187'

    and process_date=convert(datetime,'2008-10-31 00:00:29.000',106)

    Why above query gives following error

    "Syntax error converting datetime from character string"

    select * from tablea where employeeid = '00880187'

    and process_date='2008-10-31 00:00:29.000'


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • thanks for quick reply.

    When i am converting a string into datetime for comparing it with a column which is datetime why is it giving error,

  • with the convert statement, you have the third optional value, which tells the convert statement how to format the value which is for character converts, not datetime.

    So drop the 106, third value.

    The above suggestion uses implied conversion, you are trying to to explicit, which is OK, just ditch the 106.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • pramod.chauhan (11/5/2008)

    thanks for quick reply.

    When i am converting a string into datetime for comparing it with a column which is datetime why is it giving error,

    You could use the 3rd operand... but ya gotta use the right one. 106 is for the "dd mon yy" format... you didn't supply the string date in that format.

    As the others have stated, no conversion necessary.

    BUT! Because of the format you selected, I'm thinking that you're looking for a "date with no time" comparison... would that be true?

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  • If you want to omit time part

    select * from tablea where employeeid = '00880187'

    and process_date>=dateadd(Day,datediff(day,0,'2008-10-31 00:00:29.000'),0)

    and process_date<dateadd(Day,datediff(day,0,'2008-10-31 00:00:29.000'),1)


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

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