Date compare

  • I would like to pull records from a table

    where that the closedate is within the last 30 days(of each day)

    select records from tbla

    where status = 'c'

    and closedate between getdate() -30 and getdate ?

    I guess I'm not getting anything is because the timestamp of the date field is not within the range?

  • is column closedate a datetime datatype?

    if it is not, you will have to do something like this;

    where [closedate] > CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),getdate()-30,121)

    and [closedate] < CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),getdate(),121)


    where [closedate] > CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),getdate()-30,111)

    and [closedate] < CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),getdate(),111)

    depending on the way the column looks...

  • closedate datetype is 'datetime'.

  • The logic work but I had to change "-30" to "-60" to get within the last 30 days, I wondere why?

  • kd11 (3/8/2011)

    The logic work but I had to change "-30" to "-60" to get within the last 30 days, I wondere why?


    CloseDate between GETDATE() -30 and GETDATE() should get the last 30 days, as long as CloseDate is DATETIME.

    Can you RDC to your server and doublecheck the system clock? I wonder if it's set a month ahead.

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  • Craig Farrell (3/8/2011)

    kd11 (3/8/2011)

    The logic work but I had to change "-30" to "-60" to get within the last 30 days, I wondere why?


    CloseDate between GETDATE() -30 and GETDATE() should get the last 30 days, as long as CloseDate is DATETIME.

    Can you RDC to your server and doublecheck the system clock? I wonder if it's set a month ahead.

    heh, DBCC TIMEWARP strikes again...

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

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