Date an index was created

  • Can someone tell me how can I find when an index was first created?




  • I'm not sure There is a way to tell,

    If you don't mind me asking, why do you need this information?


  • The only date information about indexes can be found this way :

    Select Name, CrDate from dbo.SysObjects where name in ('Primary key name','Unique constraint name') and XType in ('UQ', 'PK')

    This will tell you the last creation date of a unique constraint or a primary key. That information is not kept for the indexes.

  • I have a request to create an index, but that index already exists.

    I want to know when that index was created.

  • Can't know if that index is not a constraint (primary key or unique). There's just no information about that on indexes.

  • So, that is. May be SQLServer 2005 will give us to possibility to query the creation date of all objects in Db



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