Datasets Missing (video available of problem)

  • I've been experiencing some datasets turn up missing in production. I had one today showing the dataset in design view, but missing in preview. I took a quick Camtasia shot and uploaded it to youtube:

    The report is still in a very rough draft (and the recording is rough) but does anyone have any suggestion regarding what could cause this? I can take a better video if needed. Thanks for any help!!

  • ...I said "dataset" but actually its a tablix that is disappearing.

  • Verify that your dataset is returning data. If you don't have a header/footer and there are no rows returned from the dataset then you'll get an "empty" area like this.

    Quick way to check it is to set the "No Rows" property of the tablix to say something like "No Rows Returned". If you do that and see your text when you preview the report then you know that the dataset isn't returning anything.

  • Thanks, Kevin. You're right - the dataset isn't returning any rows. However, I still need it to display but just show the tag and "0" (as I setup in design view). Any suggestions?

  • You're going to need to return data from the dataset to do that.

    My suggestion would be to check and see if there is any data meeting your criteria in your stored procedure/query. I there isn't then return a hardcoded dummy record with your default values.

  • Thanks again - Do you think an IIF expression would work? If so, would you mind helping me with it? I'm a newbie to reporting services. I'm fair in SQL, but a total beginner in writing expressions. The name is Fields!KCOM_Accept_Fee.Value

  • No, a IIF won't work here, you need to return something from the dataset.

    What you can do is something like inserting your data into a temp table instead of simply returning it. Then check the temp table to see if there any rows. If there aren't then insert a dummy row. And then return the data from the temp table.

  • Thanks - I'm not completely sure how to do that. I think I'll write something up regarding the general query and post it in the regular SQL forum. I don't want to high-jack the reports forum with syntax!

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