Dataset parameters disappearing any time changes are made to SQL

  • I'm a n00b at RS. I'm still working on my first report and anytime I go back and change anything in my SQL script, my dataset parameters keep disappearing. If you look at the attached screen shots, parameters.jpg show my parameters before I make changes to SQL. error.jpg shows the error I get when I hit the save button after saving my changes to my SQL script. parameters2.jpg shows what my parameters window looks like when I go back in to look at the dataset parameters.

    How do I get these parameters to stick so I don't have to keep entering them in? It's honestly getting annoying having to re-key them in every time.

    I'm using 2005 SSRS with an OLE DB connection to a 2000 database.

  • I too have had that problem, and all I've been able to determine is that RS gets stupid from time to time.

    If you are certain your parameters are not going to change, you could put your query into a stored procedure. That way you can make changes to the proc in SSMS and just re-run it in RS and refresh the dataset.

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