• I have a staging table with different number of records each time loaded. But the datalength of the single colom is always same e.g 100.

    I need to check this condition. I am using

    SELECT RowLength = DATALENGTH(TransRecord), TransRecord

    FROM dbo.Staging

    If all the rows have Rowlength = 100 then Insert into SQL table else send mail .

    How do I do this in ssis.

    I am using sql 2008.

  • PSB (1/25/2011)

    I have a staging table with different number of records each time loaded. But the datalength of the single colom is always same e.g 100.

    I need to check this condition. I am using

    SELECT RowLength = DATALENGTH(TransRecord), TransRecord

    FROM dbo.Staging

    If all the rows have Rowlength = 100 then Insert into SQL table else send mail .

    How do I do this in ssis.

    I am using sql 2008.

    What is the datatype of the TransRecord column?

    To do it in SSIS:

    execute all your SQL code in an Execute SQL Statement. Do your check and store it in a variable. Use the variable in a precedence constraint to determine whether you'll insert the rows or send an e-mail.

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  • SELECT RowLength = DATALENGTH(TransRecord), TransRecord

    FROM dbo.Staging

    If all the rows have Rowlength = 100 then Insert into SQL table else send mail .

    How do I do this in ssis.

    I am using sql 2008.

    Create a variable, with datatype boolean or int.. and change your query to ... and depending on the value of the count that you get, update the value of the variable to 0 or 1... and as quoted earlier... use the precidence constraints(setup and expression) to manage it...

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Staging WHERE DATALENGTH(TransRecord) > 100


  • Thanks All ! It worked.

    I used this SP

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_PreInsertRowCountStaging]



    DECLARE @RowCount INT

    SET @RowCount = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Staging WHERE DATALENGTH(TransRecord) != 100 )

    SELECT @RowCount AS [RowCount]


    And then mapped it to a SSIS variable and used precedence constraint.

  • I'm with Koen. There was no need for an SP - running the count query and assigning the result to an SSIS variable can all be done in a single Execute SQL task.

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