Databases displayed with (suspect)

  • Hai,

    Suddenly, when i opened the enterprise manager, i found that by the side of some of the dbs, it is written(suspect) and there are no items found within those dbs. What does it mean. and if that is a problem, could someone suggest a solution to this problem.


    Thank you,



    K. Sripriya


  • Hi,

    Have a look at Resetting the Suspect Status in BOL

    Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 returns error 1105 and sets the status column of sysdatabases to suspect if SQL Server is unable to complete recovery on a database because the disk drive no longer has any free space. Follow these steps to resolve the problem:

    • Execute sp_resetstatus.
    • Use ALTER DATABASE to add a data file or log file to the database.
    • Stop and restart SQL Server. With the extra space provided by the new data file or log file, SQL Server should be able to complete recovery of the database.
    • Free disk space and rerun recovery.

    sp_resetstatus turns off the suspect flag on a database, but leaves all other database options intact.

    Caution  Use sp_resetstatus only when directed by your primary support provider or as recommended in Troubleshooting. Otherwise, you might damage your database.

    Because this procedure modifies the system tables, the system administrator must enable updates to the system tables before creating this procedure. To enable updates, use this procedure:

    USE master


    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1




    After the procedure is created, immediately disable updates to the system tables:

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 0GORECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDEGO

    sp_resetstatus can be executed only by the system administrator. Always shut down SQL Server immediately after executing this procedure.

    The syntax is:

    sp_resetstatus database_name

    This example turns off the suspect flag on the PRODUCTION database.

    sp_resetstatus PRODUCTION

    Here is the result set:

    Database 'PRODUCTION' status reset!WARNING: You must reboot SQL Server prior to accessing this database!


  • I have had this happen to me just once - and it was because the hard disk on which the database lived had become full. (In earlier days when I was ignorant of the need for scheduled tasks to clear down transaction logs etc).

    It may not be the cause of your problem - but is very easy to check before delving into more complicated possible causes.


    Paul S.

  • Procedure to Reset Status of Databases Marked Suspect

    Operating System/Software Version: SQL 6.5 and 7.0

    Overview: This article presents the procedure to reset the status of databases marked suspect.

    When SQL Server starts and is not able to access the database devices (transaction log files or

    database files), the databases will become marked suspect because SQL Server can not obtain an

    exclusive lock on those files. When going into the SQL Enterprise Manager, you will see (suspect)

    to the right of the database(s) which have become marked suspect. Simply stoping/restarting

    MSSQLServer service will not usually correct this condition.

    There are a few different reasons why this may occur. For example, the drive which contains the

    database or transaction log files may not be accessible or the files have been deleted. Also, if a

    database file is in the process of being backed up when SQL Server starts, SQL Server will not be

    able to obtain an exclusive lock and will mark the database suspect. In the NT Event Viewer, you

    will see messages from SQL Server indicating that a database device failed to be opened. There is

    also the possibility that the database has become seriously corrupt and as a result you may have to

    do a database restore. The steps below are to be used when there had been a problem reading the

    database files and the problem has now been corrected and you simply need to reset the status. If all

    of the VNeT databases are marked Suspect, the problem is most likely a problem accessing the

    database files. If only one or two of the databases are marked suspect, it may be a corruption

    problem. To reset the suspect status, follow the below procedures:

    1. Make sure the database device files are available.

    2. You will need to create a stored procedure (the required stored procedure is not on the system

    unless it had already been manually created in which case you will start at step 5).

    Because this procedure modifies the system tables, you must enable updates to the system tables

    before creating the stored procedure. To enable updates, copy and run the following script:

    USE master


    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1




    3. Next, to create the sp_resetstatus stored procedure, run the following script:

    CREATE PROC sp_resetstatus @dbname varchar(30) AS

    DECLARE @msg varchar(80)

    IF @@trancount > 0


    PRINT "Can't run sp_resetstatus from within a transaction."

    RETURN (1)


    IF suser_id() != 1


    SELECT @msg = "You must be the System Administrator (SA)"

    SELECT @msg = @msg + " to execute this procedure."

    RETURN (1)


    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE name = @dbname) != 1


    SELECT @msg = "Database '" + @dbname + "' does not exist!"

    PRINT @msg

    RETURN (1)


    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE name = @dbname AND status & 256 = 256) != 1


    PRINT "sp_resetstatus can only be run on suspect databases."

    RETURN (1)



    UPDATE master..sysdatabases SET status = status ^ 256

    WHERE name = @dbname

    IF @@error != 0 OR @@rowcount != 1





    SELECT @msg = "Database '" + @dbname + "' status reset!"

    PRINT @msg

    PRINT " "

    PRINT "WARNING: You must reboot SQL Server prior to "

    PRINT " accessing this database!"

    PRINT " "



    4. Next you need to run the following script to disable updates to the system tables:

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 0




    5. Next You need to run the stored procedure sp_resetstatus. Below is an example and resetting the

    status for the Audit database:

    sp_resetstatus Audit

    6. After completing the above procedures, you must stop/restart MSSQLServer service.


    IF this wont work the only option is delete that suspect database and create a new database and Restore the Latest and virus free Backup.


  • Run recovery by executing DBCC DBRECOVER (database).

    Add a log file to the suspect database and run recovery on the database by executing sp_add_log_file_recover_suspect_db.


  • I know this post is late in the game, but it is mainly "food for thought" for those struggling with suspect databases in the future. "Suspect" can also appear if you change the drive letter of a drive housing the data or transaction log files. The way I fixed mine was to set the allow updates to 1, and update the sysdatabases and sysaltfiles tables with the correct location. Then I ran DBCC DBRECOVER () for each one, restarted MSSQLSERVER service, refreshed EM, and once fixed, reset allow updates back to 0.

  • Hi All,


    I would appreciate if you could help me on this. I had a suspect database, and I followed the procedure by  resetting the status, adding a log file, and recycle the Server. The "Suspect" word was gone, database is working but it does not update any transaction log file. No date/timestamp on the transaction log file. The database backup and transaction log backups are being done regularly. I dont where the transaction logs are being written,


    any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • What do you mean it doesn't update the transaction log?


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