Database Variable

  • I have several large DTS packages with many Data Pumps, ActiveX, Bulk Inserts, ans connections. I need to fire the packages at different databases (with same table and column names) on the same server. How can I set the database names to a variable, or what would be the best approach?

  • This little script will set the necessary properties for each connection in your package. Put the script into an ActiveX task as the first step in your packge. Then change the the items as indicated. If you use a trusted connection then you can put anything you like for userid and password.

    You could store the values in global variables, or in a table which list the different values for each connection.

    Function Main()

    Dim oPkg ' DTS Package object
    Dim colConn ' DTS connections collection
    Dim sPkgConn ' DTS Package connection item

    ' open DTS package object so we can get the package details
    Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
    ' open object referring to Global variables collection
    Set colConn = oPkg.Connections
    ' for each item in the collection
    For Each sPkgConn in colConn
    ' assign results from query to connection properties
    sPkgConn.Datasource = <Server Name> '<--- Change to your server
    sPkgConn.Catalog = <Database Name> '<--- Change to your database
    sPkgConn.UserID = <User ID> '<--- Change to your user id
    sPkgConn.Password = <Passord>'<--- Change to your password
    sPkgConn.UseTrustedConnection = <0 for SQL, 1 for Trusted>

    Set colConn = Nothing
    Set oPkg = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Edited by - phillcart on 09/11/2003 8:17:31 PM

    Edited by - phillcart on 09/11/2003 8:19:28 PM

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks for the help Phil. This appears to maybe correct the connections, but what about my tasks. Will this correct all the tasks by changing only the connections?

  • Tasks use a connection( referenced by name [Actually the DTS Connection Description]).

    By changing the Connection Properties the Tasks will be function correctedly. It is like changing the properties of DSN without changing the name.

  • Thanks for the help. Will give it a try.

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