Database User Roles Creation

  • Hello,

    I have a situation that i am sure i DONT know the proper answer so i have come here...yet again to get some ideas and suggestions hopefully 🙂

    Scenerio... i have 75+ MSSQL 2000 servers and approx 20+ users per server. (no servers are aware of the other and the users are only on one server). Can i create a defined role that will give the users the capability to do pretty much everything they want EXCEPT create or drop databases? If the answer is yes.. please explain because i truely do not know how to make this happen.

    Thanks for your time and i look forward to any assistence that coming my direction. 🙂



  • How many user databases on each server? Do the users really NEED this level of permissions? I think this would violate least permissions.

  • Thanks for the reply..much appreciated

    How many databases per server...ranges from 15 - 60 on the conservative side. Well i want to allow the users to do what is needed(some developer, some application users, etc) not quite "sa" but if i have created databases for them they can be added to the database as a user and i dont have to worry about them creating or dropping the databases. Most users have "read-only" for the most part but its the other 10% that are driving me crazy. Hope this helps



  • You would need to create a role or roles in the each database. For the situation you describe I would have a Developers role, and Application Users role and a ReadOnly Users role and assigne the appropriate permissions to each role.

    -- create role

    Exec sp_addrole @rolename = 'Developers', @owner = 'dbo'

    -- add persmissions to the role

    Grant Exec on ALL to Developers

    -- add login (SQL or Windows, can be a windows group as well)

    Exec sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'Developers', @membername = 'Domain\JoeDeveloper'

    You can check out these links for more details:




    Also, you can "nest" roles so you could create the Developers role and make it part of one of the fixed database roles

  • Thanks for the insight.. much appreciated.



  • far so good... but now i would like to know this.... please say its true 🙂 but am i able to make this one role server wide so that it doesnt have to be just for that one database but i can add databases to this role as the server grows. you know in the same sense as the oradba role for oracle.




  • Sorry, you can't create server level roles.

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