Database update from web page

  • dtopicdragovic (7/19/2012)

    I thought more in case when user deletes for example info in some specific field. Since I update just changed info into NeedApproval.Table, I wondered what I will do with deleted fields. How will I keep track of what has been deleted. I also have few other tables that are involved in this whole thing and user might want to delete a whole row in some cases.

    I think that I should create stage tables for Delete operations too. ex. Delete_Contact that would function in similar way as NeedUpdate.Table, but just for deleted info.



    Well you can't delete only a column, a delete by definition is the entire row. In the case of what you are doing a column could become NULL. That is what the case statement I presented would handle.

    I would strongly urge you not to create a new table for deletes. Suddenly you are going to have a table for delete, insert, update. How would you handle rows from each of those tables? Which one takes precedence? If anything, you should add an OperationType column as a char(1) with values of 'A', 'D', 'U' (Add, Update, Delete).

    I have to be honest I don't quite understand the point of what you are doing entirely. You want to allow the users to change their data. The new changes will be shown to the user. But you have a background approval process. What good is the approval if you show the new data anyway? The process you are describing sounds overly complicated with zero return for you effort. I understand the point of wanting the approval but maybe you should not show the new information until the approval is complete?


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  • 🙂

    It is hard to explain and the process itself is very complicated.

    More I work on it gets more confusing. :angry:

    We want to show to our contacts what we have about them (contact info, assistant's info - which can be multiple, their medical subject of interest which can be multiple etc). and ask them to update, delete or insert anything new.

    Our web site became a web application, even though we didn't mean to go that far 🙂

    And we want our contacts to see info they update, insert or delete.

    I thought that updt tables would keep insert or update and del tables would keep delete info.

    I came up with this query (with help of your suggestion) for selecting data and displaying in the web fields.

    Select c.P_Number,

    FirstName =


    WHEN delc.FirstName Is null Then ISNULL(updtc.FirstName, c.FirstName)

    ELSE Null


    MiddleName =


    WHEN delc.MiddleName Is null Then ISNULL(updtc.MiddleName, c.MiddleName)

    ELSE Null


    FROM Contact as c

    LEFT JOIN del_Contact as delc ON c.P_Number = delc.P_Number

    LEFT JOIN updt_Contact as updtc ON c.P_Number = updtc.P_Number

    WHERE c.P_Number = @user-id

  • dtopicdragovic (7/19/2012)


    It is hard to explain and the process itself is very complicated.

    More I work on it gets more confusing. :angry:

    We want to show to our contacts what we have about them (contact info, assistant's info - which can be multiple, their medical subject of interest which can be multiple etc). and ask them to update, delete or insert anything new.

    Our web site became a web application, even though we didn't mean to go that far 🙂

    And we want our contacts to see info they update, insert or delete.

    I thought that updt tables would keep insert or update and del tables would keep delete info.

    I came up with this query (with help of your suggestion) for selecting data and displaying in the web fields.

    Select c.P_Number,

    FirstName =


    WHEN delc.FirstName Is null Then ISNULL(updtc.FirstName, c.FirstName)

    ELSE Null


    MiddleName =


    WHEN delc.MiddleName Is null Then ISNULL(updtc.MiddleName, c.MiddleName)

    ELSE Null


    FROM Contact as c

    LEFT JOIN del_Contact as delc ON c.P_Number = delc.P_Number

    LEFT JOIN updt_Contact as updtc ON c.P_Number = updtc.P_Number

    WHERE c.P_Number = @user-id

    That isn't too bad. Still might be a bit cleaner if you used a single table for both update and delete. Then just add a second condition to your where.

    FROM Contact as c

    LEFT JOIN ContactNew as delc ON c.P_Number = delc.P_Number and delc.OperationType = 'D'

    LEFT JOIN ContactNew as updtc ON c.P_Number = updtc.P_Number and updtc.OperationType = 'U'

    Otherwise you have three tables to hold what is effectively one row. This would at least keep it to two. 😉 Either way is probably OK.

    If you do want to go with the three table schema I would offer a suggestion about naming.

    Instead of:




    You might consider:




    This does two things. It will sort all three tables together in SSMS and it make it very clear that those three tables are closely related.


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  • Actually I like this idea of 1 table with flags 'U', 'D' etc.

    Thanks again for all these suggestions and ideas. I learn a lot today.


  • dtopicdragovic (7/19/2012)

    Actually I like this idea of 1 table with flags 'U', 'D' etc.

    Thanks again for all these suggestions and ideas. I learn a lot today.


    You are welcome. Hope your project goes well. Post back if you have any other issues and I will do what I can to help.


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