July 5, 2005 at 10:38 pm
i need to translate one english data table content to japanese language. I have one table one DB called A and i need to table data to be translated to japanese and stored in table into another DB called B.
i just need to know tht is it posssible to do this. if yes plz give me some hint on that.
July 7, 2005 at 2:33 am
I worked on a project requiring five European language databases and one Chinese database, all translations of the same content.
All databases were identical, but we used an NText data type to store the Chinese text and the same would be true for the Japanese script. You'll have less space for the same content and your table is likely to a bit larger than the English one, but as long as you have the appropriate Japanese language packs stored on the clients it should do the job.
July 7, 2005 at 8:10 am
Hi covhilomi,
I haven't gone thorugh this exercise myself, but would you not have to also worry about collation settings for the databases? Or perhaps not because the European databases were all using the same western alphabet?
July 10, 2005 at 10:23 pm
Thanks a lot for the reply.
You said abt identical database. but in this case the Database A contains table has different structure then the Database B's table.
is it possible in case on tables are not identical? and yes, what you have used to transate the data into other language? I am developing the web application which takes data from one table [DB called A] + Convert to Japanese + store to another table [DB called B]. Both the DB are located on the different server. Now i think you may get the clear picture on my problem. Please guide me abt it. Thanks
July 10, 2005 at 10:32 pm
Thanks a lot for the reply.
I don't have much idea abt this execrice, i have to gone thru this collation settings. i thinks its also req.
thanks again
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