Database suspect

  • This has crossed my patience barrier..

    I got a usual Database suspect error.

    I did sp_resetstatus...

    I did checkdb...

    I booted the sql database server...

    But the database is not coming up !! It's urgent please Help

    Thanks in advance

    Sanjeev Verma



  • If its that urgent you may just want to restore from backup. What version of SQL are you running. Any messages in the event and/or error log? This is the master db, or just a plain db?


  • This usually happens when the .mdf and .ldf files are moved from the location where the database was pointing.

    Try this

    Search for the .mdf and .ldf files for this particular database. Then open query analyzer and execute the statement sp_attach for attaching the database to these files. The syntax for this statement can be found in Books Online. Simply search for sp_attach.

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