Database size differences

  • I have a SQL Server 2005 database and the total reserved table size (data and index spaces) for all the user tables gathered from Dataabse Report of "Disk Usage by Top Tables" is about 40 GB, but the database property shows 92 GB. mdf is 91 GB and ldf is 1 GB. The full backup is also about 92 GB.

    I executed DBCC UPDATEUSAGE('dbname'), but nothing was changed. I thought 40 GB should be the correct size. I tried to shrink the data file, but there was no free space left to be shrunk (only about 30 MB free).

    Your input will be greately appreciated.


  • Dunno. Guessing here but does this report include index space used ?

    (sudden attack of laziness is preventing me from checking this myself)

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • The reserved size includes data and index spaces. Used space is about 90% and unused is 10%. Again reserved size is 40 GB. Only 1 file group is used.

  • I'm having a very similar problem and it looks like my problem is fragmentation in the indexes themselves. I found a script that identifies large tables and in the output of that script it shows the unused space in the indexes.

    Here is the name and author of that script.


    Bill Graziano (

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