Database setup using VBScript

  • Hello,

    I am trying to write a script to read files (SQL Scripts) under a folder. Here is what I am trying, I am stuck at being able to successfully execute the command.

    option explicit

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim fso

    Dim folderPath

    Dim folder

    Dim fileCol

    Dim file

    Set fso = createObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    folderPath = "DatabaseScripts\"

    Set folder = fso.getFolder(folderPath)

    Set fileCol = folder.Files

    Dim wShell

    Set wShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    For each file in fileCol

    Wscript.Echo "osql /E -S .\I1 /i " & file.Name ("%compsec% /c osql /E -S .\I1 /i " & file.Name)


    wscript.echo ("Clear!")

    Set fso=nothing

    Thank you for your help.


  • Dim s

    For each file in fileCol

        Wscript.Echo "osql /E -S .\I1 /i " & folderPath & "\" & file.Name

        s = "osql /E -S .\I1 /i " & folderPath & "\" & file.Name

        wShell.Open s


    This fixed the problem.

    Thank you folks.

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