Database role and securables

  •  Hi, this seems very basic so I think I must be missing something somewhere! I've created a new database role in MSDB  (thru Management Studio) and given the role execute permission on a number of stored procedures and SELECT on one table. Then assigned users to the database role. Tested that permissions work okay by doing a query on the table - all well and good.

    However, when I go back to view the database role properties there is nothing listed under Securables so I can't view/modify or remove the ones I set previously. Help!

  • I don't think you should create role before users you may have run into orphaned permissions they are in the Master but not in the database you created the permissions.  If it orphaned permissions you have to edit the Master before you can create the permissions again.  Run a search for orphaned permissions in the BOL(books online)  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • The problem doesn't appear to be related to users, it is solely about securables in database roles.

    I have just created a new database role in a user database, added a single table to the Securables and granted the role Select permission. I save the role and close the window then right_click on the new role and select Properties - there is nothing listed under Securables. I am misundestanding how this should work? It looks like a serious bug to me!


    Regards, Paul


  • Securables is new fancy word for object permissions.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Turns out that this behaviour is by default in Management Studio. I think it has been "fixed" in SP2 since it has generated more than a few complaints to Microsoft!

  • I found the same issue in SQL Server 2012 SP1.

    It's definately a UI bug and believe Microsoft should do something.

    Because of that, I spent lots of hours to figure out what was wrong!

    One temporary workaround that I found is:

    1) In the Database Role Properties window, Click "Search..." button and select "All objects of the types..."

    2) Select "Databases" in Object type and hit OK.

    3) in the securables box, select the database then you can see the permissions in Explicit list.

    But hit OK button, then the database type explicit permission list are gone in the UI only..


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